Third day at Hogwarts

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I woke up from someone scratching on the door.
I stepped out of my bed and walked towards zafira.
„What's wrong baby?" I asked. „Zan?" I heard someone say at the other end of the door. „can I come in?" I heard a girl voice say. „Sure." I lifted zafira up and opened the door. It was penny Haywood. I saw her before at the hufflepuff table.
She came in and closed the door.
„I have something for you. As a welcome gift."
She smiled at me. „Really? What is it?" I smiled back. She handed me cat food and another cat. „Woah.. now I have two" I said. „Thank you so much! I love cats! You can never get enough of them" I smiled at penny. She smiled back. What are you gonna name him?" she asked.
„And who are you?" she looked at zafira.
„Oh that's zafira! Cedric gave me her as a welcome gift yesterday." I said. „That's so nice of him. She said. „And that's a really pretty name. What about Zoro for him?" I looked at the cat she just put on the ground. He was black and really fluffy, green eyes. „Yeah that suits him really much."
Penny smiled „I'm glad you like it. So zafira and Zoro! These little cuties!"
She petted zafira. „Oh yeah I'm gonna be back wait one second. She left and came back a minute later with cool cat toys, food and water bowls. Even a litter box! „Woah penny you're so nice!" I said as she filled the bowls and the litter box and put them on the ground. Zoro and Zafira started eating and drinking. Then Penny sat down at the ground and played with them. „would you mind if I would look after them while you're on a date with Cedric?"
„A what?!" my eyes went wide. „Oh yeah Cedric is searching for you" she said. „Oh" I changed into my normal clothing and looked at penny. „of course You can always come here if you want to!" after these words I rushed out and searched for Cedric. As I was walking to the great hall I bumped into someone.
„I'm so sorry!" I said. „Watch where you're goin- oh, it's you. The one who's always hanging out with Cedric." the boy from before, the blonde haired.. Draco Malfoy. „Yeah..?" I Said. „Why don't you hang with me and my friends sometime instead?" he asked. „Sure if you insist?" I said. „I mean it. Tomorrow at 17 in the library." he walked off before I could say something. „Sure.." I mumbled. „Oh you've met Malfoy.." someone behind me said. „I'm sorry. He's a bit.. strange you could say.." I turned around to see a boy with short hair and dark skin. He was a slytherin just like Draco. „Yeah he's kinda weird but it's okay." I said. „I'm Blaise, Blaise zabini."
The boy said, holding his hand out to me.
I shook it and introduced me too. „I'm zan rose.
The new hufflepuff." as I let go off his hand I noticed a hand on my shoulder. „Cedric." blaise said coldly.
„Blaise." Cedric said. Blaise looked back at me.
„I'm gonna search for Draco now, see you around?"
„Sure, byee!" I said, turning around as he walks off.
„You were looking for me?" Cedric looks at me, taking his hand away from my shoulder.
„Yes I were." „okay but why?" I ask smiling at him.
He smiled back. „I just wanted to tell you that penny had a welcome gift for you." „oh yeah she already found me and gave it to me." I said.
„That's cool! I need to go now, see you around!"
He walked off and I went to the library to read.
The time passed and the library lady walked towards me. „you should go back to your dorm now sweetie, it's almost midnight." she smiled nicely.
„Oh thanks for reminding me, I'm sorry I was reading the whole time and didn't notice the time passed so fast!" I stood up and put the book away.
As I went to my dorm I smiled at the library lady.
I opened the door of my dorm to see a note on the ground. I closed the door behind me and read it.

„I'm heading to bed now, Cedric told me you were talking to Draco and Blaise? Nice! I Hope they're your new friends now! They can be nice if you get to know them, someone told me. But they aren't talking with everyone so you're lucky I guess.
The moon starts to rise and I'm getting tired.
I fed both of the cats and they're asleep on your bed.
Goodnight, see you tomorrow.
In love,

I smiled and went towards my wardrobe. Penny put all of my clothes in there! (She's so nice. )
I put on my Pyjama and got to bed. As I laid there, I was petting Zoro and Zafira, who were laying beside me, sleeping peacefully.
(They look so cute when they sleep)
I thought and fell asleep eventually.

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