Fourth day at Hogwarts

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I fell out of my bed as someone screamed.
I looked around „what? Huh?!"
Penny was standing infront of me. „Sorry, Zoro fell from the bed that's why I screamed."
She looked guilty. „It's okay." I said. „You overslept. You have potions class in 10 minutes.." penny chuckled. „someone has been waiting for you."
„Cedric?" I asked. „I bet it's cedric."
„You'll see." penny there some stuff out of my wardrobe at me to make me wear them.
„Put that on, I bet it looks good on you!"
I put it on and looked in the mirror.

 „Put that on, I bet it looks good on you!" I put it on and looked in the mirror

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„It looks amazing. Thanks penny."
I hugged her and went to see who was waiting for me. As I stepped to the common room I saw it.
„There you are, zan. I figured We have potion class together now." Fred looked at me. „Fred!" I hugged him. „I haven't seen you the last days.."
„Yeah I was hanging with my brother and some other people at the gryffindor common room."
He smiled. „Let's go, we'll be late!"
I walked to the potions classroom beside him.

After the potions class it was 16:35.
As I walked towards the hufflepuff common room i noticed someone leaning against the wall beside it.
„Can I help you?" he asked, noticing me looking at him. „Oh no, sorry I was just wanting to check if you're okay?" I said. I didn't see the person's face, it was facing the ground and the person had a hood on.
„I am. Who are you?" they looked at me and stepped towards me. It was a boy. He had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He was about 5'10 and looked down at me and smiled mysteriously. 
„I'm Zan. Zan rose.." I said while looking up at him.
„My pleasure, miss rose. I'm Mattheo. Mattheo riddle." he said, chuckling a bit. „Nice to meet you, Mattheo." I said, smiling uncomfortably.
He smiled. „I need to go now, bye miss rose."
He said, kissing my hand goodbye and walked away.
(That was awkward..?)
I heard someone walk towards me from behind.
„Zan!!!" I heard you talking to someone.
„Oh hi Draco." I said while turning around to face him. He stopped right infront of me, our faces almost touching. I stepped away a bit and answered then. „Oh yeah that was Mattheo riddle. He's nice but really mysterious.." „yeah he really is."Draco answered. „Is he in slytherin aswell?" I asked.
„Yeah he is." Draco said.
„I need to go now sorry, I forgot I had some plans but I'll meet you tomorrow?"
„Sure?" I said as he stepped away and smiled.
I went to my dorm to find another note from penny.

I went to sleep early. The cats have eaten and the litter box is cleaned.
You should sleep now, too.
Good night zan! I'll be there at 12 tomorrow.

As I felt really tired, I just went to bed and immediately fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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