Stalker Vs Stalker

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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ there no big spoilers just the reason why Pinocchio is collecting Ergo also in this story you are a stalker but I don't specify what type of animal your mask is so enjoy the story :)

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ there no big spoilers just the reason why Pinocchio is collecting Ergo also in this story you are a stalker but I don't specify what type of animal your mask is so enjoy the story :)

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Pinocchio's story was one that began with the skilled hands of his creator, Geppetto. Geppetto was a masterful inventor, a craftsman of extraordinary talent who possessed the gift of bringing life to inanimate objects. However, his true motivation was rooted in the deepest chambers of his heart, a place occupied by a profound loss and an unquenchable yearning.

The tale of Pinocchio's creation was a poignant one, born from the depths of Geppetto's grief. The loss of his beloved son, Carlo, had left a gaping void in Geppetto's life, a wound that never truly healed. The grief was a weight he carried every day, a burden that seemed insurmountable.

Determined to overcome this immense sorrow, Geppetto embarked on a quest that was as ambitious as it was heartrending. He decided to create a wooden puppet, a puppet named Pinocchio, with a singular purpose: to collect a mystical and elusive substance called Ergo. This mystical element was rumored to hold the power of life itself, and Geppetto believed that it could be the key to resurrecting his beloved Carlo.

In the depths of his workshop, Geppetto's hands worked tirelessly, shaping and molding the wooden figure of Pinocchio. With each chisel and stroke, he poured his love, his longing, and his dreams into the puppet. He carved Pinocchio's body with precision and care, infusing him with a lifelike appearance and endowing him with striking bright blue eyes, freckles on his pale skin, and a shock of short, dark hair.

However, there was one notable and crucial distinction in Pinocchio's appearance. One of his arms was not the natural, wooden limb he was created with. Instead, it was a mechanical, robotic-looking appendage—a testament to Geppetto's inventiveness and a reflection of the technological prowess of his creator.

But Geppetto's work extended beyond the physical realm. With the deftness of his hands and the depth of his heart, he bestowed upon Pinocchio the spark of life. The puppet, despite being made of wood, was given the breath of existence, an animated being that could move, think, and feel. Pinocchio was born not as an ordinary puppet but as a creation with a purpose, a purpose that weighed heavily upon his wooden shoulders.

For Pinocchio, his creator's plan was clear. He was crafted for a singular mission: to collect Ergo, the mystical substance that could unlock the gates of life and potentially restore Geppetto's cherished Carlo to the world. The weight of this task was immense, and Pinocchio's wooden heart, with its mechanical core, beat with the knowledge of the responsibility he bore.

In the midst of his quest to collect the elusive Ergo, Pinocchio encountered a formidable challenge. As he ventured further into the enigmatic world of Krat, his path intersected with a group of menacing bad puppets. These malevolent creations shared his goal—the pursuit of Ergo—but their intentions were far from noble. They were determined to claim the precious substance for their own sinister purposes.

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