Chapter 34

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Past - 16

Ares Simon's POV:

My attention was drawn to a boy eating his lunch with gusto, and my gaze became contemplative.

Quietly, I slipped my hand out of my pocket, and opened my palm, revealing a few bucks.

My glance returned to the boy, who was seated a little way from me. At that moment, my stomach rumbled loudly. I clenched my fists, eyes downcast, my focus on the money in my hand.

"No, I must save this," I murmured, tucking the money back into my pocket.

Mom had been working overtime to pay my school fees. All I could do for her is to save money so she would have some rest. I had been skipping lunch and saving money for months now. She would be really upset if she found out. Mom always says never to skip meals, but I had no choice, I couldn't see her working so hard all the time, so I kept it a secret.

As the school day ended, I packed my bag and headed home. Along the way, I noticed a pharmacy and decided to step inside.

Approaching the counter, I addressed the pharmacist, "Excuse me, sir! Could you provide me with some pain-relief patches and a hand cream or ointment?" The man looked down at me with surprise.

"Who are they for?" he asked.

"My mother," I replied briefly. Her back ached from her demanding work, and her hands had become pruny and sensitive due to over washing of dishes. The patches and ointment would offer some relief, I guess.

The man nodded and retrieved a packet of pain-relief patches and a tube of ointment from a nearby shelf. "How old are you, young man?"

"Eight," I responded seriously, checking the price on the box and tube, counting out the exact amount before placing the money on the counter. "Here, Thank you!"

Taking the packets, I carefully tucked it into my bag, draping it over my shoulders as I left the pharmacy.

"Daddy! Catch me!" The joyful squeal of a child caught my attention when I was passing by a park, causing me to pause in my steps. I turned to observe a young girl, about five or six years old, laughing as she leaped from a slide, her father catching her swiftly. They both shared wide smiles as he playfully twirled her around, and their infectious laughter filled the air.

I couldn't help but watch their joyful interaction, their smiles tugging at my heart. My gaze shifted heavenward, filled with a longing for something that could never be true: the wish that my dad was alive and with us.

Whether it was at school, in the parks, or on the streets, I often found myself stopping and staring at children playing with their fathers. It was a sensation I couldn't quite grasp. I didn't understand why, but I was drawn to these moments. They were wrapped in their father's protective embrace, a place I couldn't fathom. To be in his safeguard, in his strong embrace, where worries seemed distant because Dad would take care of everything for us... That was a feeling I could only dream of.

For those without a father's guiding presence over their heads, often find themselves growing up before their time. It's not age but life itself that makes them mature ahead of time.

Sighing quietly, I reluctantly tore my eyes away from the father and daughter and continued on my way back home.

"I'm back," I announced as I entered our small apartment, fully aware that Mom wouldn't be home yet. She always arrived late after her work.

After removing my shoes, I placed my bag on the floor and headed straight to the kitchen. Upon inspecting all the cabinets, all I could find was a partially eaten pack of biscuits.

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