chapter 1 havens pov

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  • Dedicated to Susan Quintana

Sorry it took so long for me to get back I have a rough schedule with school and I will be updating Sundays Saturdays Wednesdays and Fridays every well



One day i'm sitting down watching TV with my cousin Susan. We were channel surfing. WE spotted d E! News. Wed were just watching when we see Zayn kissing my so called friend Chloe. She was wearing her pink crop top I got her for her birthday with some pink shorts and her new DCs."Whore".

Susans pov

I had Harrys number so I called him up."Hello"Harry said in his Cheshire accent."Hi Harry this is Susan"." Oh hi Susan what's up"."I wanted to know if you knew where Zayn is"." Oh Utah he is on a date with this hot girl named Chloe"." Does he know Haven knows All about out and Chloe was her best friend"." No I'll tell him right now".

End of call.

Harrys pov".

How the hell could Zayn do this to Haven.

He's is a total asswhole. I'm calling him right now.




" Hello"

" Zayn what the fuck how could you cheat on Haven with her best friend"

"Harry what the---

"Don't try to act "oh I didn't do anything"Haven already knows about it idiot,"

Then I heard a girls voice say"Zayny Boo who you Talkin to to"

"Zayn"I yelled through the phone.

"I got to go Harry"


Hey guys i'm gonna do somethin if you help me get to the top of the fan fiction page I'll put extra chapters every day :)

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