chapter 5

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" Fontaine stay away from her " cried Finn.

Everyone was confused , everyone was looking between Finn and Jess .

" Do you know each other ?" asked fontaine .

At the same time

Finn " yes " .

Jess " no " .

" Fontaine if you've ever trusted me and loved me then believe me . She's the reason my mom's not here with me . We were friends and sh..she betrayed me . So , stay away from her " said Finn.

" And you think we'll believe the bu*lshit you've said " replied ant .

" Fontaine believe me . I like you so I'll never lie to you . You know i have never lied to you . Believe me fontaine " Asked Finn pleadingly .

Fontaine pov

" What the hell ! Finn knows Jess. Does Jess know Finn too . Many thoughts started to flash in my mind . Then i looked at Jess .

" Jess do you know Finn ?" Asked fontaine .

" I don't know what he's talking about fontaine . I don't know him . " Replied Jess .

" Will i found the map " cried Bob from the hidden temple .

Nektons started to head towards the Aronnax .

( Nektons were surprised cause hammerhead's crew should have followed them but they were just standing there .)

" Fontaine ....
Looks like there was never something between us . ( Finn said In a whisper but enough for fontaine to hear ).

" Bye bye fontaine ".

Finn's pov

Everyone was inside dark orca again . I went inside my room and i laid on my bed . Then a tear escaped my eyes and i started crying . Seriously after all the things I've done for her she chose not to trust me . Thinking this I closed my eyes and went to sleep .

Fontaine pov

What the hell happened ! Everyone is happy celebrating that we got the next map but why am i not happy . I was watching everyone but then tears started to fall from my eyes and i went inside my secret room . Soon Jess was with me comforting me .

" Thanks for trusting me fontaine " said Jess .

" Humm" replied fontaine .

" Do you like him ? " asked Jess .

" Humm " fontaine replied .

Then the realisation hit her .

" No ! Its just that it's just...."

" It's okay fontaine i understand " said Jess .

Then they both hugged each other .

Ant's pov

I was happy that we managed to get the map but there is something that's wrong and i can feel it . Why didn't Madeline chased after us . Is she okay . Not even hammerhead was saying anything . What happened to them . I've never seen Finn like that . And that look on Maddie's face .

Wait ! Did I just called her Maddie . Now , I'm sure something is wrong . Jeffery what's wrong mate ? why am i thinking about her ? Looks like I need to sleep .

What's the truth ? Why did Finn reacted like that , find in next chapter .

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