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"Where are we?" Wally asked as he got up from the alleyway. "I have no idea but the city looks familiar," John said as he stood up. The rest of the group consists of Clark, Diana, J'onn, Shayera, Bruce, Greg, Oliver, Dinah, and Mari. They looked around before hearing something coming towards them. "We have to get on the roof so we won't get caught," Clark said and everyone did so they could watch what was happening. Then they saw two groups of people heading toward each other in the alleyway that they were just in. "Is it just me or do those people look like the Joker?" Clark asked looking at the group of people dressed as clowns. It didn't take long for them to spot two figures closing in on the two groups and one of them had a faint silver glow. "Jokerz and T's it just has to be Jorkerz and T's," said one of the new figures wearing a uniform similar to their Batgirl. The other was wearing a lantern uniform but it was silver instead of green. "It's always the Jokerz and T's cause it's Gotham plus we get a bit more fights than most Leaguers," said the lantern. The 11 past heroes looked at each other realizing that the Justice League was still going on but more so that they were in Gotham of all places.  

Both gangs looked at each other knowing that they could either fight each other or fight the two heroes in front of them so they chose the first option. The pair held their own, more so than the Lantern than Batgirl from what the past heroes could tell, but they are good fighters nonetheless. When the fight was over, the Lantern tied both groups together before everyone heard police sirens blaring close by. "Going to let Commissioner Gordon know the situation with them," Batgirl said with a smile. That's when the Commissioner in question came into view and saw the pair with a knowing looking in her eyes. "Where's the rest of the Batfamily?" Commissioner asked the two young heroes. "League missions," Batgirl said. "Batman?" Gordon asked. "On an off-world mission with Warhawk and Green Lantern. Should be back tomorrow or the day after," Lantern said with a ghost of a laugh in her world. The name Warhawk got John and Bruce's attention to the Lantern because they had met the hero in question when they went to the future to go after Chronos. After the conversation, the GPD had left with both the Jokerz and T's in custody.

Lantern heard something from the roof near them and turned her head slightly to face the sound. "I think that someone's watching us," Lantern said to Batgirl. Batgirl knew to trust Alachmist's intuition when it came to picking stuff up in their surroundings. They looked at each other before they went to the roof and saw the group of 11 heroes from the past and one threw both of them off. "Who are you two?" Oliver asked the pair. "Why do you guys want to know because we know who you guys are," Batgirl said looking at them trying to not look at the original Batman. "You two know us but you seem to be the one that has a deeper connection to us," Mari said. "You guys have questions and we have the answers but we can't give you them here," Lantern finally said. When she said that was when they realized they didn't know their names. "We still need your names," Shayera said. "Am Batgirl," Batgirl said. "Am Alchemist if you need to know," Alchemist said. Batgirl knew that her friend had been trained by the original Bats so her being cold to others like that is from both her past and childhood. "If you want answers, this isn't the place to get them 'cause it's two open to talk," Alchemist said looking at the group. 

Alchemist had switched back to her civilian clothes as she brought up the rear as they arrived at the cave. "The cave has not changed at all over the years," Diana said looking around trying to see what's changed. "The old man had kept this whole place locked up after he retired but when the current Bats took up the mantle this place was being used again," Batgirl said. Bruce looked at the pair not believing that he would stop being Batman but from what he remembered from his trip to the future that their Batman was the one who took up the mantle. "How do you get here in the first place?" Alchemist asked which got everyone's attention on her and everyone had shocked looks on their faces. "We're fighting against Grodd and there was this light then we showed up here," J'onn said remembering the fight. Lantern knew they had to find Grodd if he got sent forward and the piece of tech that brought them to the future. "You two still haven't told us your names yet?" Shayera said knowing that the pair has to have their trust. "My name is Kamaya," Kamaya said. "The name's Andie," Andie said still cold. Greg looked at Andie knowing that she looked familiar but couldn't put his finger on it.

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