The League

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"The league didn't change all that much," John said. Greg looked at the time-traveling heroes who looked out of place in the watchtower for the first time. "The League has changed quite a bit but certain things have changed over the years," he said with a smile. Andie and Kamaya just scooted over from the group trying to separate themselves from them. "How's everything going on here?" Andie said. The time travelers looked at her before realizing that they already knew that but still didn't seem real. "Not much aren't you two going to find the rest of the Batfamily to let them know about them," Michael said. Andie and Kamaya went to find the rest of their team while leaving the past heroes at the teleporters. John and Bruce looked at the young lantern without making it obvious that they were. "Why is the team in Gotham called the Batfamily?" Clark asked. "It's because all of them minus Kamaya had been trained by Bruce so the name stuck so all of them are called Bats as a result," Shayera said as she walked in. Bruce didn't expect the two heroes that he just met to have been called something that had so much pride behind it. 

"There is a Batman right?" Wally asked knowing that someone had to take up the mantle at some point. Shayera told them that someone did take up the mantle of Batman though the person in question was on an off-planet mission though did say that other heroes in the League took up the mantles of perivous heroes. "Andie said that she became a lantern when she was 16 anything else about that," Clark asked looking at the older versions of themselves. "Yeah she became a lantern 5 years ago before Mari could hand her the totem though she did pass it on to one of the new heroes here," she said. John started to have some suspicions about the Gotham lantern in question because she looked a bit like both Shayera and himself if they ever had a daughter. The rest of the heroes knew that they had to see how the two bats to see how they act with the rest of the League but knew that it wouldn't take long for them to see. "Could we head over to the commissary?"  Oliver asked if he could get the group out of an awkward situation. 

Shayera gave them a nod knowing that they would run into one of the other new heroes or with Andie and Kamaya there waiting for a mission. "How did they get to our time?" Shayera asked Greg. "Grodd but they don't know if he came with them or not," he said in return. With the past heroes, they knew that the League had been told that a time travel situation was going on, but the other heroes weren't paying them any attention. "So we met two new heroes both from Gotham and one of them just so happens to be Greg and Mari's daughter," Wally said trying to make the others laugh.  "Well Andie's something but she reminds me of Mari a bit but there is something about her," Diana said. They all knew that there was something about the Gotham Lantern which was throwing them off. "For now we just have to wait and see," J'onn said. The past heroes knew that he was right about that and the only two heroes from the current time were Andie and Kamaya.

When they arrived at the commissary, they spotted Andie and Kamaya sitting at a table in a corner by a window with a couple of other people. When they got closer, they realized that one of the people had the tantu totem so Mari passed it on to when she retired from the hero life. They had gotten closer to the table to sit down with the group before they knew it they were spotted by Andie. "You 11 came here figuring that this was a great place to get out the other's way," the other Vixen said. They looked at him knowing that was true but they looked over at the two heroes that came with them from Gotham. "Still trying to wrap your heads around everything huh though it's going to take some time," Andie said with a smile before taking a bite of her food. They realized Andie's eyes were a bright yellow-amber which was a massive stark difference between her and others. It was something that other people would find unnerving though it was something that suited her. "This corner is perfect to avoid conversations from others but mainly to see the stars," J'onn said looking at the same stars that he saw back in his time. 

"Most people often don't sit in corners on the commissary," a voice said as they came up and sat across Andie. Clark looked at the newcomer before realizing that he was his son and realized that when he saw his family's crest. "Who are you?" Oliver asked when he saw him. "I'm Thomas Kent and from what I could tell from Andie's expression that my dad figured out," Thomas said. The hero looked over at the lantern before seeing that she looked between the younger Superman and Krypto with a knowing look in her eyes. "Are you going to say who else you are related to other than the stated relations?" John asked her. Andie smiled before replying, "No because that's for me and my friends to know and you guys to find out plus you 11 know of 4 relations." That response was very much a bat way to give them an answer though they knew that she was right about they knew of four relations. It was at that moment that Wally figured out the truth but he wanted to confirm that he was right so he had to wait and see. "I thought Shayera was lying but I was wrong," a new voice said. They looked to see two new heroes and one of them talked with the same Gotham accent as Andie. "Did you say anything about them at all?" James said to his sister. "Other than generic stuff about our bats but other than that nothing at all," Andie said to her brother. 

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