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Both Rex and Andie had woke up about 30 minutes later, so at that point, Andie had gotten her hearing back so she didn't have to use her headphones. Though she's going to keep them on her just in case she does need them and Rex told her that he was going to meet up with Terry to let him know that she's out of the Med Bay. "Andie I heard that you were in the Med bay after the mission," John said when he saw his daughter. "Yeah got a visit from Rex and we took a nap which helped Dad," Andie said. She even told him about the time travelers to which he said that Shayera told him when he saw her not that long ago. John knew that they hadn't spent time together outside League and Lantern stuff since he had gotten back which was something that they couldn't avoid. "How about I invite you to lunch or ice cream later today if not we could do it later this week?" he asked her. Andie smiled at her Dad knowing that he was trying to spend time with her when they could knowing they don't see each other often. "I would like that plus for some reason that doesn't work out you want to help me with a project," Andie said knowing that both of them would like a back plan if that doesn't work out. John knew that Andie always loved input from her family and friends when it came to personal projects, which he loved to see her do. 

"What kinda of project do you need my help with?" John asked. Andie told him that she was working on something for her mom and wanted her dad's opinion on the dress because he had seen the kinds of dresses that Shayera wears. "You want my opinion on the dress that you're working on for Mom?" he asked his daughter. "Yeah plus if there is anyone that I want on a project like this it's yours, Dad," Andie said with a smile. John knew that Andie valued his opinion on personal design projects if it was about their family which got him close to tearing up with how personal it felt. "You can show me the designs that you have when we get together because I've seen photos of your work but I've never your work before you finished," John said as he and Andie walked back to the monitor womb to check in but Andie is sitting out on missions for the rest of the day along with the next two days just to be safe. They talked about how Andie and Kamaya ran into the time-traveling heroes in Gotham and John was proud that Andie had her head on right about not saying about her family. "You forgot who trained me over the years since I was 12?" Andie asked her dad laughing. 

"No, I didn't but that's one of the many things that your mom and I have to thank Bruce for," He said with a sad look on his face. "Why?" Andie asked. "It's because Bruce took you in when he didn't have to and even when you chose to become a hero he trained you the best he could given the circumstances of his age. Along with the fact that he was able to teach you about Thanigarian culture from what Shayera had given him," John said. Andie hugged him, which shocked John because he knew that she was never one to be hugged because of the scars on her back from when she lost her wings. "Is there a type of food that you like because this is also me trying to get to know you," John said because of how much time his daughter spends in Gotham. "The Bats can tell you that I have a massive sweet tooth 'cause am always eating something sweet," Andie said with a smile. Wally and Linda were the first people outside the Batfamily who found out Andie loved baking and loved trying new desserts. John knew that there was a restaurant that his daughter would love that served sweet and savory foods.

They talked about how both of their corps worked because John wanted to see how the Alechmy Corps worked. Andie even showed him some of her smaller constructs which impressed her dad because she had such control over her runes. It took him some time to gain that level of control over his constructs when he was at the same point as a lantern as Andie though he figured that her control was on some part from her time as a street fighter. "Are you doing anything for your birthday?" John asked. "No nothing planned just going on patrol trust me Ms.McGinnis asked that exact question the other day?" Andie said before letting her father go to do his own thing. John knew that was something that came about from her days blending into each other which he understood but he wanted to do something memorable for his two youngest. Andie hugged her dad again before leaving to find Kamaya to see how she's adapting to being in the league. It wasn't long before she ran into her with Matt talking about something. 

"How's your hearing Anne?" Matt asked when he saw Andie. "Better but I have my headphones in case it goes out on me though did catch a nap with Rex," Andie said with a smile. Matt knew that Rex and Andie had been finding ways to fix their relationship with each other and it was something that everyone smiled at them for. "I remember that you and Rex had a rocky relationship 6 years ago but from there I wasn't sure what happened between the two of you," Kamaya said. Andie explained the whole thing that happened between her and Rex and Kamaya understood why her friend had a strained relationship with her oldest brother. The trio talked about the Iniquity Collective and Kamaya understood that 3 of the members were from their rogue gallery which was something that she didn't expect. "I never expected that three of our rogues would team up with a Metropolis rogue at all," Kamaya said knowing that she could expect three villains that she has experience within Gotham in Metropolis with the League.  "That's true if anything it's mainly Terry that would fight the group with his team," Matt said with a shrug. "Who's on his team," Kamaya asked wondering who was on Terry's tea, in the League. 

"It's Rex, Marina, and Kai-ro whom he met when he first met the League," Andie said remembering reading the report that Terry wrote after the mission. "Rex is on the same team as Terry because aren't they always at each other's throats since they met," Kamaya said as she pointed out that fact. "They are but they work well together despite that," Matt said with a laugh on his lips. Andie had that same laugh because the pair is known as 'the Lantern and the Bird' Stwart-McGinnis duo. Their older brothers are known as 'the Hawk and the Bat' whom the League is more experienced with compared to Andie and Matt. Everyone in the League had gotten used to how off-putting the younger pair could be considering they were known among the League and the Gotham Rogue's Gallery as the Bat-twins. "Since I joined the team I started to realize why the two of you scare the League the way you two do always shocked me," Kamaya said joining in the laughter. Both Matt and Andie didn't deny the whole thing that they scared the League. 

"That's something that the League learned quickly though it was something that the rest of the Bats knew already," Andie said. Kamaya was glad that she had the rest of the Bats were going to help her get used to being in the League because of the difference between the League and the Batfamily.

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