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It's been two days since the time travelers got sent to the future and even saw how much the league changed over the years. Though many things had changed from their time in the league, there were many things that remained the same including the mentorship between senior members of the League and the newcomers. The Batfamily was an exception to that program when they joined because Bruce Wayne mentored them when they started as heroes in Gotham though they became mentors themselves when they joined the League in various ways. Andie helps mentor any new lanterns from Earth who join the League in any capacity which is something that many Leaguers noticed from the moment that she joined the league. The time travelers saw how many heroes looked up to the league and became heroes in their own right, which was something that shocked them greatly. "I never thought the League could become something like this," Clark said seeing the many heroes passing them talking. All of them saw how the league changed from their time to the new generation.

"I think we should see how these new heroes fight in a more controlled environment,"' Bruce said knowing that they only saw 5 heroes and two of them were bats. "Let's see if they are up to it first," Wally said knowing that most of them probably just want to watch. "I'll be up for it though not sure about anyone else though," a voice said coming from behind them. They all turned around to see Andie leaning against a wall twirling a knifing through her fingers. Everyone stepped back, minus Bruce, when they saw her there because they knew she hadn't been there before. "There was no way in hell that you just showed up there and overheard us talking and decided to jump in,"  Oliver said looking at the lantern. Andie just gave them a smile and a knowing look in her eye that most of them only saw in Bruce though it makes sense since he trained her for 9 years. "First off the entire Bat Family can do what I just did because our whole thing is still so it's funny when one of us or all of us could make one of the leaguers jump out of their skins. Though the only person we know we couldn't do that to was the Old Bat though I've done it to Terry which made him laugh," Andie said pointing at Bruce at the last comment.

"That's fair because there have been a few cases that could make him laugh," John said smiling at Andie. "Wait the entire Bat Family can do what you just did why?" Wally asked. "Our whole thing is stealth because it's Gotham plus it's also the most effective way to scare the bad guys," Andie said shrugging. They all just looked at her like something was wrong but they had to realize that the Bats currently have protected a different Gotham than the one they know. They brought the idea to the remaining Founders and once they brought the idea to those who were mentioned. In the training room, Andie knew that everyone had their own fighting styles, even the Bats and herself, but they were going to be going up against their mentors and in some cases their parents. "This your idea?" James asked his twin when he spotted her looking over the group. "It was there but you've known me long enough as a Bat to know that I like to analyze my opponents though whoever is going up against Uncle Bruce is going to get their ass handed to them," she said in return. That was something that James had to agree with because he had heard of their Uncle's reputation for figuring out his opponent's weakness pretty fast during a fight.

"This is going to be treated as a training session so don't hold back but at the same time don't cause any permanent injury," an older Clark said looking over at Rex who looked offended. Andie and James chuckled at their older because they have seen him and Barta train in simulations it often becomes a competition between them that often gets out of hand at times. "Is this going to be one-on-one or by teams?" Dana asked knowing that depending on the answer would affect the fights. It was something that new heroes knew as well so when they heard that it was a team fight made it easier for them to come up with a plan. "So with the teams set, we are going to watch and then offer suggestions on improvement," Older John said once the teams were decided on. 

The first team was the Stewart Siblings much to their shock because they rarely fight together as a team to begin with and the only time that has happened was when they were captured by that rouge Thangiarians over the holidays back in December. Even then that was more Andie and the green Lanterns that Kai brought in to help out cause he and James didn't have their gear though James still had the totem around his neck. Rex on the other hand didn't have much to work with on his end of things but was glad that his younger brother and sister had something that helped them fight that wasn't armor. 

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