With the incident at homecoming still looming in the air,for everyone involved the second semester for our favorite Westlakers that are going into their sophomore and junior year. It could be the most different yet difficult school year to say the l...
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I haven't been able to sleep since homecoming night I've barely spoken to Natasha and Jesse isolating myself away from the world and wanting to be to myself, especially after what I did I ca- a knock on my door stopped me mid sentence putting my pen down.
" Yes, who is it?" I asked looking up from my journal and hearing my mom's voice on the other side. " B breakfast is ready no more eating in your room come down please." She says as I hear her footsteps walking away from my door and walking down the stairs.
Closing my journal as I got up from my bed grabbing my journal lazily and taking it over to my drawer. Rummaging through various articles of clothing before putting my journal inside piling the clothes ontop hiding it like I usually would since my mom can be very.... Into my business. Opening my door and exiting my room going downstairs to the kitchen I see my mom at the table with a plate of waffles, eggs, and pan sausage I take a seat across from her seeing my plate already made.
My mom smiled when she seen me as she looked up from her plate. clearing her throat with a fork in hand she asked. "Are you ready for your big 17 coming up in a few days what are you thinking about doing this year?." Not thinking too much about her question.
I shrugged my shoulders as I barely looked up at her from my plate taking bites of my eggs I replied. " I'm not having a party this year with everything that happened I don't want to have an extravagant party like my 15th or 16th was." I look back down at breakfast stabbing and picking around my eggs, I can't see it but I can tell my mom's frowning.
I hear my mom's chair move from under the table I look up to see her with her plate in hand taking it to the kitchen sink." Hon if you want to talk about homecoming we can" She encouraged as she turned the sink on to rinse off her plate.
Putting her dry plate on the drying rack wiping her hands on a towel hanging off the counter as she continued. " You know a news reporter said that some cops in that area downtown were called to an attempted shooting scene, and allegedly possible suspect some guy who wasn't too far from your school was almost shot they think it's connected to the shooting."
My whole world stops almost moving in slow motion I can still feel my hands shaking after I shoot the gun. " B you okay?." I hear my mom's voice in the faint distance as her voice grows more distant as the words Shooting suspect and connection ring in my head.
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I let out a deep breath as I unlocked my car door grabbing my purse and still holding the heavy medium-sized metal firearm this ends now he can't keep getting away with hurting people for his sick and twisted games I quickly make my way to the sidewalk locking my car i and slow and steady breathes as I get closer to his trap house I can't chicken out I need to do this.
Going down the stairs leading to the door I take a key from out of my purse Anson nor his lackey yes man Vince are smart enough to keep their keys in secret places. as I unlock the door letting myself in carefully and slowly walking up the stairs taking the gun slightly out my purse going up the other set of stairs checking my surroundings all the lights are off.
But I notice the lights probably coming from the tv are on in the main bedroom are on he has to be here I know he is. Taking the gun out of my purse and completely cocking it back I open the door to see someone on the bed my hands are shaking so much I shoot without thinking.
As the gun fires I drop the gun hearing the person on the bed say " What the hell?." I quickly leave before they can say anything else what was I even thinking?
A glass cup hitting the table in front of me takes me out of my thoughts. I rubbed my eyes to see my mom looking at me with worry in her eyes. "Honey what's going on? You zoned out after I mentioned homecoming you know you can tell me anything right?." She asked worriedly with her hand on my shoulder.
I grabbed the cup of orange juice that sat across from me taking a long chug of it, finish half of it put the cup down and wipe my mouth off with my jacket sleeve. " I'm okay Mom it's just I don't know everything about homecoming and Anson sends me into thinking too much about it all I'll be okay I promise." I half confessed.
Getting up from my chair grabbing my half eaten plate and taking it to the microwave. opening it putting my plate inside. Taking my half drank orange juice upstairs with me. I heard my mom say from downstair.
"You'll need to talk to someone about what happened one of these days B."
I stop halfway up the stairs turning on my heels to go over to her giving her a tight hug. " I will I promise." She gave me a smile hugging me right back. " Okay Honey Bun I believe you."
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Bianca has kept a low profile since everything happened.