Chapter 23: Reflectos

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Leo's POV:

As the new day dawned, we, the Alphas, knew we had work to do. Our mission to learn about Draven required thorough research, and we were ready to embark on this journey.

After preparing ourselves, we decided to consult the Oracle of Delphi. The Oracle was a source of ancient wisdom and insight, and if anyone could provide us with answers, it was her.

With a sense of purpose, we made our way through the majestic Academy grounds to the mystical chamber of the Oracle. The path was lined with ancient statues and enigmatic symbols, each step filled with anticipation.

As we entered the chamber, a hush fell over us. The Oracle, cloaked in mystery, sat upon her throne, her presence radiating an otherworldly energy. Her eyes, veiled by time and wisdom, met ours with a knowing gaze.

With reverence, we presented our questions about Draven, the imminent threat that loomed over us. The Oracle, her voice carrying the weight of centuries, spoke in her cryptic way.

"The answers you seek, my young ones, are not easily found. To understand Draven, you must journey through the realms of knowledge. Seek the repository of wisdom within your own Academy, where the scrolls and tomes hold the secrets you desire. There, the wisdom of ages will guide your path."

Her words left us with a sense of purpose and direction. We bowed respectfully and departed the Oracle's presence, our determination unwavering. The Academy's Library awaited us, promising to reveal the knowledge we sought.

As we left the Oracle's presence, there was a shared determination among us. We knew that the Library would be our next stop in the quest to understand our formidable adversary, Draven. With the Oracle's enigmatic guidance, we set forth on our path, prepared to unearth the secrets hidden within the Academy's Library.


The Library, a vast repository of knowledge, stood before us. The Alphas had gathered with a shared determination to unearth the secrets of Draven, the ominous figure who posed a great threat to us and the Academy. As we entered the Library, the scent of ancient parchment and the whisper of countless pages filled the air.

Caleena, with her deep sense of responsibility as the leader took charge. "We're here to find any information about Draven, his background, his motives, and any potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities. Let's split up and scour through the archives."

With a collective nod, we dispersed throughout the library, each group delving into different sections. Amarys, Cosreina, and I focused on combing through scrolls and manuscripts, while others explored different avenues of research.

Theon, ever the analytical mind, mumbled to himself as he perused a particularly ancient text. "We need to piece together any clues or hints that might lead us to Draven's origins, affiliations, or any unusual abilities."

Drake, who had a keen eye for strategic insight, chimed in, "Don't forget, we need to understand his motivations, what drives him to see us as threats."

Carys and Soleil, the former "enemies turned friends," exchanged occasional glances, now unified by their quest for knowledge. They reviewed texts on psychology and behavior, hoping to uncover any psychological insights into Draven's mindset.

Kairos, known for his speed and precision, scoured through stacks of records, his eyes darting from one tome to another. "We should also look for any mention of recent unusual events or occurrences related to Draven."

As we delved into our research, the Library became a place of whispers and rustling pages, each moment bringing us closer to understanding our enigmatic adversary, Draven.

We were deep into our research within the Library, exploring countless texts and manuscripts, when something unexpected happened.

Cosreina and Caleena, who had been methodically searching, stumbled upon an old and dusty book titled "Divine Progeny: Tales of Gods and Goddesses' Offspring." As they perused the pages, a sense of disbelief washed over them. The book contained stories, legends, and accounts of the offspring of gods and goddesses – and within those pages were tales of us, the Alphas.

It was as if our own stories were intertwined with those of ancient heroes and divine beings. I couldn't help but be fascinated by the gravity of our own destinies, narrated alongside legendary figures of mythology.

Cosreina turned to us, her eyes filled with wonder and amazement. "You won't believe what we've found. Our stories, the stories of the Alphas, are in this ancient book. It's as if we're part of a timeless legend."

Caleena nodded, her expression one of awe. "It's almost as if our paths were destined to follow those of the gods and heroes who came before us."

The rest of us gathered around, flipping through the pages with a mix of disbelief and curiosity, realizing that our journey was not just a contemporary chapter but a continuation of a saga that had been unfolding for ages.

As we continued to browse the pages of the ancient book "Divine Progeny: Tales of Gods and Goddesses' Offspring," our eyes fell upon a section that spoke of a goddess named "Polymorpha." She was described as the goddess of transformation and adaptability, a figure who held the power to change and evolve.

What was even more surprising was that the goddess Polymorpha had a son, and his name was "Draven." The realization hit us like a bolt of lightning. This was who we were looking for, the Draven that was a looming threat to the Alphas and the academy.

I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions – astonishment, confusion, and concern. What connection did Draven have with his divine mother, the goddess of transformation? And what did his abilities mean for the danger he posed to us?

The discovery had brought us closer to understanding our adversary, but it also raised countless questions. With this newfound knowledge, it was clear that our mission to prepare for Draven was even more critical than we had imagined.


We combed through the ancient text, uncovering information about the goddess Polymorpha and her son, Draven.

As I read the passage describing Draven's unique ability, I couldn't help but gasp. The words sent a shiver down my spine."Draven possesses a rare ability known as 'Reflectos,'" I shared with the group. The name of the power alone sounded ominous.

Amarys couldn't contain her astonishment. "Reflectos is a really rare ability!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with surprise. We all turned our attention to her, eager to learn more.

"What is it?" Soleil inquired, her curiosity piqued. Amarys took a moment to gather her thoughts before explaining. "You can only possess that power when you're related to the Goddess Polymorpha."

Drake, always one step ahead, connected the dots. "Of course, Amarys, he's the son of Polymorpha after all. Get to the point," he urged, not one to waste time. Amarys nodded and continued, "Right, Reflectos is an ability that can mirror powers. It means that whenever Draven is looking at us, he can mimic our powers and use them against us. However, there's a limitation. He can only mimic one power at a time, and he also must maintain visual contact with the person he'll mimic. If he uses his power too much, it'll be physically and mentally exhausting, and he needs rest to regain his energy and use his power again."

The room fell into a heavy silence as the weight of this revelation settled in. Our hearts had raced with anxiety upon hearing about Reflectos, but knowing its limitations gave us a glimmer of hope. We now understood our enemy's power, and this knowledge was a vital piece of the puzzle in preparing for the impending confrontation with Draven.

Though we sighed in relief, the thought of facing Reflectos was still a daunting prospect, but we were determined to rise to the challenge. Our bond as Alphas and our commitment to protect the academy and the divine realm were unwavering. Draven might be powerful, but together, we believed we could overcome this threat.

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