Chapter 27: Flight

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Leo's POV:

Kairos and I had been training relentlessly, focusing on honing my newfound abilities. Kairos, with his warrior spirit and super speed, was an excellent teacher. He'd been patient, guiding me on controlling and using my powers efficiently.

But something had changed within me during our training sessions. I found myself stealing glances at Kairos when he wasn't looking, admiring his strength and dedication. My heart would race when he demonstrated his skills, and I couldn't help but feel a warmth in my chest.

It was confusing, this new feeling I couldn't quite understand. I realized that I had developed a fondness for Kairos that went beyond friendship. I found him attractive, and it both exhilarated and puzzled me.

While our training continued, I couldn't ignore these newfound emotions that had taken root in my heart. The journey of discovering oneself in the world of Alphas had taken an unexpected turn, and I wasn't sure where it would lead. But one thing was clear: my connection with Kairos had become something more than just training.

And so, our days of relentless training were now interwoven with feelings I couldn't quite comprehend, leaving me with a sense of curiosity and a hint of blush on my cheeks.


Kairos's POV:

While we were deep into our training, I started noticing something about Leo. He kept glancing my way when he thought I wasn't looking. His cheeks would turn slightly pink, and I couldn't help but wonder if he might be feeling something more than just friendship.

It's funny because I've had a crush on Leo for a while now. I mean, ever since I first saw him after my mission with Cosreina, I couldn't help but be drawn to him. He's my type, you know? His determination, his strength, and the way he carries himself – it's all pretty amazing. But I never thought Leo would see me the same way.

So, here we were, in the middle of our intense training, preparing to face a powerful enemy, and now these feelings were bubbling up. It was exciting, of course, but also a bit nerve-wracking. We were supposed to be focusing on our powers and the mission, but our connection as Alphas was growing deeper and more complicated.

I wondered how these newfound emotions might affect our journey. For now, I kept my attention on helping Leo control his powers and couldn't help but keep an eye on him, not just as a training partner but as someone who might be experiencing similar feelings to mine.

My mind was wandering as I thought about Leo, my partner in training. He was strong, dedicated, and, well, I couldn't help but notice he kept stealing glances at me when he thought I wasn't looking.

But as I was lost in my thoughts, Professor Zephyr's voice suddenly broke the silence. "Kairos and Leo, you're up next!"

I blinked and snapped back to reality, realizing it was time for our performance. The illusions of Gorgons stood before us, and it was our turn to shine. Leo and I exchanged a determined look, ready to show what we could do.


Leo's POV:

As Kairos and I faced off against the Gorgon illusions, our powers worked in harmony. I summoned lightning bolts, crackling with energy, forming them into weapons that I could control. It felt like wielding the very power of Zeus, the god of the sky, and it was electrifying.

Kairos, with his super speed, was a blur of motion, his sword a silver streak in the air. His movements were fluid and precise, perfectly complementing my ranged attacks. He'd rush in and strike the Gorgons with such speed that they couldn't react in time.

Our teamwork was a dance of power and precision. I'd send bolts of lightning at the Gorgons, and Kairos would dart in and out, delivering slashing strikes that cut through the illusions. The Gorgons didn't stand a chance against the combination of lightning and speed.

But then, in the midst of the battle, I made an unexpected discovery. I leaped to avoid one of the Gorgon's attacks, and to my shock, I found myself floating in mid-air. It was as if the sky itself had embraced me, granting me the power of flight.

The sensation was incredible, a mix of freedom and exhilaration. I soared above the battlefield, looking down at the Gorgons, and then descended to strike with my newfound ability. It was a game-changer.

After the battle, I landed next to Kairos, still coming to terms with my incredible revelation. "Did you see that?" I asked, my voice filled with a mix of excitement and astonishment. "I can fly!"


Kairos's POV:

I couldn't help but gape as I watched Leo soar through the sky, his flight ability completely taking me by surprise. The combination of his control over lightning and the newfound power of flight was beyond incredible. I had always known Leo was special, but this revelation was on a whole new level.

As Leo landed beside me, the other Alphas rushed over, their expressions a mix of amazement and curiosity. Amarys had transformed into a bird to better observe the battle and couldn't help but chirp in excitement.

Soleil, with her radiant powers, emitted a warm and congratulatory glow. Carys, typically known for her analytical mind, was simply smiling in admiration. Drake's enhanced instincts had sensed the change even before he saw it, and he nodded with approval.

Theon's strategic mind was already working, envisioning how Leo's newfound ability could be an asset in future missions. Cosreina couldn't hide her excitement and playfully splashed some water into the air in celebration.

The reactions from my fellow Alphas made it clear that we were witnessing something extraordinary, and we all knew that Leo's flight power could be a game-changer in our battles ahead.

Professor Zephyr's voice cut through our commotion as he interrupted our excited chatter. "Impressive work, Leo and Kairos," he commended with a nod, his eyes reflecting approval. "Leo, your flight ability is a remarkable addition to your powers. I can see it becoming a valuable asset."

Leo beamed with newfound confidence, and I couldn't have been prouder of my friend. We had not only discovered an extraordinary ability but had also shown how well we could work as a team. Our training was paying off, and it was evident that we were becoming a formidable force, ready to face the challenges ahead.

Professor Zephyr continued with his feedback, focusing on their teamwork and power. "Your cooperation in battle was exceptional," he remarked. "Leo's lightning and flight powers combined with Kairos's speed created a dynamic duo. Keep refining your coordination, and you'll be a force to be reckoned with."

Kairos and Leo exchanged smiles, knowing that their efforts had paid off. As we gathered around, there was a sense of unity among the Alphas, each duo working together to develop their skills and become a stronger team, ready to face whatever challenges Draven might throw at us.

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