Taylors period leaks at your house(requested)

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you and Taylor are having a date night, when you come home you decide to cuddle and watch a movie.

"Babe, my cramps are really bad, do you have any advil?" She asks

"Of course love, I'll go grab it for you" you say

"Thanks babe, love you" she says.

You go get the advil and some warm tea for Taylor. When you hand it to her she says "thanks again babe. I don't know what'd I do without you."

As your walking back into the bedroom you seem to notice a small stain under Taylor. At first you thought it was just a shadow but you realized her period leaked, but she didn't know yet.

"hey tay, why don't you go to the bathroom real quick and change your pad, it must be uncomfortable because you're cramping so much" you tell Taylor so she doesn't think you know she leaked.

"there under the left cabinet sink right?" Taylor Asks.

"Yup, feel free to use as many as you need babe."you respond

As Taylor gets up she notices the red stain on the sheets. She starts apologizing "babe I'm so sorry I didn't know my pad leaked. I can't believe I ruined your sheets y/n". You comfort her and give her a long hug

"It's okay tay. It's not your fault" you say.

"I know, i just feel bad." She says

"It's okay Taylor, I promise, it happens to everyone. Why don't you get changed and I'll quickly run to the store to grab some of your favorite treats." You say

"Aw that'd be amazing y/n. I love you so much." She says.

You go to the store and pick up her favorite ice cream, and snacks. You also decided to invest in a new heating pad to help with her cramps.

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