you get your period while shopping with taylor

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you and taylor go to target for groceries. You decide to have a movie night, so grab a frozen pizza, and some ice cream.

"tay, can you grab some Advil too, my period is due next week" you ask.

"of course babe, let's both go, mines due next week too, so we better stock up" taylor responds

You both walk to the Medicean isle, but Taylor
notices a small red stain on your new white jeans. She wraps her jacket around your waist and whispers "hey y/n, I think your period came a little early".

"Oh my gosh, babe im so embarrassed. Do you have a pad or something?" You say

"Not with me right now, but you can go to the bathroom while I buy some" she says.

"thanks babe, I love you tay."

You rush to the bathroom, and Taylor walks in shortly after with a pad for you. She hands you the pad and waits for you to come out of the stall.
She gives you a long hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"thanks tay, I love you so much" you tell her.

"Awe I love you too babe." She says.

You both go home and turn your favorite movie while you cuddle on the couch

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