Anxiety - Matt

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Nick, Matt and Chris were filming a car video at night at the Wingstop parking lot where they were making a video in the car on Q/A Part 2 as they were talking Nick asks another question.

Nick: Which brother is the funniest?

Chris: Me easily.

Nick: I think I'm the funniest...but I'm possibly not.

Matt: um

Chris: I make Matt laugh way more then he makes me laugh and he knows that. (Chris looks at Matt) I make you laugh every single day.

Nick: (looking at Matt) I make you laugh more then Chris does.

Chris: That's not a day that goes by that-

Nick: (cutting Chris) Who makes you laugh more? Who makes you laugh more? I know I do.

Matt: um

Nick: He said it the other day.

Matt: I feel pure pressure and I have heavy anxiety levels right now.

Nick: Who makes you laugh more? WHO MAKES YOU LAUGH MORE?

Matt: um

Nick: You know it's me.

Matt: It depends.

Nick: Oh my god.

Matt: Mostly...most of the time some of you will say funny things based of other things.

Chris: Every single day I make you laugh.

Nick: I make you laugh three times.

Matt: I can't answer this question without wanting you getting mad.

Chris:'s not many...okay I'll do this...

Nick: Matt!

Chris: I'll give you this. I'll give you this...Okay Nick might make you laugh more. Who do you tell they're not funny to more me or Nick?

Matt: Nick.

Nick: Matt that's just because I try and make more jokes. I just try and crack more jokes.

Chris: You're not funny Nick.

Nick: I'm funnier than Chris is. I make you laugh more then Chris.

Chris: No you don't.

Nick: I do.

Chris: I promise you don't.

Nick: Yes I do.

Chris: I can make Matt laugh right now.
Matt: Go ahead.

(Chris throws this drink at the window with no hesitation and the drink an dice cubes go everywhere)

(Matt and Nick start laughing. Nick hides his face in his arm while Matt has his head on the steering wheel)

Chris: Look at him laughing.

Matt was kinda mad that his clothes were wet and he had to go to the other house to get them.

They end the video and Matt turns the camera off.

As Matt drove the car, a sense of frustration lingered within him, aggravated by the drenched state of his clothes from the drink Chris had hurled. His grip tightened around the steering wheel, attempting to hold his emotions at bay.

Nick, sitting beside him, noticed Matt's unease. "Are you okay, Matt?"

Matt sighed, trying to suppress his rising anxiety. "I'm just annoyed about my clothes, that's all."

Nick, understanding Matt's struggles, tried to comfort him. "It's alright. We can swing by the other house on our way back and grab fresh clothes for you. Don't stress about it."

Chris, from the backseat, chimed in, "Sorry, man. Didn't mean to ruin your clothes. I'll buy you a new set or something."

Matt nodded, appreciating the gesture. "It's fine, Chris. Just try not to do that again next time."

As they reached the other house, Matt hurriedly changed into dry clothes while Nick and Chris waited in the car. As Matt was changing his head recapped the conversation during the video he couldn't help but feel anxious again as he didn't know if he made his brother's mad at not answering the question but he tried to hide his anxiety and went back to the car and started driving back home.

Matt parks the car and goes to his room and takes his anxiety pills and Nick and Chris has no idea that Matt is still anxious.

Matts head is full of thoughts about his brother's being mad and it starts to get worse even tho he had just taken his medication it was getting harder for Matt to hear anything other then his thoughts he stared at this pill bottle wanting to take more to stop his thoughts but he couldn't or else he would overdose but Matt stopped thinking logically and was about to take another one when Nick entered Matt's room, unaware of the turmoil brewing within his brother.

Observing Matt's panicked expression, Nick's heart skipped a beat, recognizing about what was happening.

"Matt, what's going on?" Nick's voice softened, his concern evident as he spotted Matt reaching for the pill bottle.

Matt's eyes were wide with an overwhelming mix of distress and internal chaos. "I can't...I can't get them to stop, Nick," he stammered, his voice tinged with an unusual urgency.

Nick quickly moved closer, gently prying the pills from Matt's hand, his eyes filled with worry. "You can't take more, Matt. You've already taken your dose. It's not safe."

Matt's breaths were shallow, and his mind raced in circles, the anxiety amplifying despite the medication. "I can't think... I can't handle this pressure, Nick. I feel like I've messed up."

Nick sat beside Matt, trying to calm him down. "You're not in trouble, Matt. You don't have to answer the question if it's hard for you. We understand."

Matt's eyes were fixed on the bottle, a mix of frustration and fear clouding his thoughts. "I should've answered. Now you're probably mad."

Nick shook his head, attempting to reassure his distressed brother. "It's okay, Matt. We are not mad at you. We will never be mad at you."

Tears welled up in Matt's eyes, feeling the weight of his anxiety. "I just want it to stop, Nick. I can't make it stop."

Nick pulled Matt into a tight hug, hoping to provide comfort. "I'm here, Matt. Just breathe, okay?"

Matt nodded, trying to follow Nick's advice, attempting to focus on his breaths amidst the turmoil raging in his mind.

Nick stayed with Matt, offering support and a calming presence until the edge of the overwhelming emotions began to ease. Matt's breathing steadied, his mind gradually quieting down.

Feeling a bit more composed, Matt finally whispered, "Thank you, Nick."

Nick smiled softly, his concern still visible. "Anytime, Matt. I'll always be here for you and so is Chris."

Matt nodded, feeling grateful for his brother's understanding and support. Chris also comes in and tightly hugs Matt letting him know he isn't mad aswell and would always he there for him.

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