Two : A Spark in the Twilight

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Aanya gazed at Krishna, her eyes filled with curiosity. "Why do you want me to accompany you to Hastinapur?" she asked, her voice laced with intrigue.

Krishna met her gaze with a gentle smile. "Because your presence is needed there more than in Dwarka," he responded, his tone soothing and persuasive.

Aanya's brow furrowed deeper, uncertainty clouding her expression. "But what purpose would I serve in Hastinapur?" she wondered aloud, her confusion evident.

Krishna couldn't help but tease her. "Exactly what you do here-nothing," he jested, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Aanya couldn't help but let out a chuckle, her bewilderment momentarily forgotten. "Oh, very funny, Kanha," she said, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Krishna joined in her laughter, his joy contagious. "Don't worry, Aanya, I am certain you will enjoy your time in Hastinapur," he reassured her warmly.

Curiosity still burning within her, Aanya pressed on, seeking answers. "But why are we going there?" she inquired, her voice now laced with a sense of anticipation.

Krishna leaned in closer, his voice filled with secrecy. "To meet someone special," he whispered, barely able to contain his smile.

Aanya's eyes widened in surprise. "Who could it be?" she asked, her curiosity intensifying.

Krishna maintained his enigmatic demeanor. "You will get to know," he divulged, his smile widening ever so slightly.

Aanya nodded, her mind racing with questions. "But why am I supposed to accompany you? No one even knows me there," she pondered aloud, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Krishna's gaze softened, his words carrying a sense of wisdom. "Because your fate is intricately connected to Hastinapur," he explained, his voice filled with conviction.

Aanya's brows furrowed, her confusion deepening. "What does that mean? I don't understand," she admitted, her voice tinged with frustration.

Krishna placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, conveying reassurance. "Have patience. Sometimes, we must simply have faith in destiny and go with the flow. Not every question has an immediate answer," he advised, his words laced with calm wisdom.

Aanya sighed, feeling a sense of comfort. "But everything feels so confusing right now," she confessed, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

Krishna's smile turned tender, his warmth radiating towards her. "I know it may seem overwhelming at the moment, but trust me, everything will become clear in due time," he assured, his voice imbued with compassion.

With a determined nod, Aanya acknowledged his words. The weight on her shoulders felt slightly lighter as Krishna's words sank in, providing solace amidst the chaos she was experiencing. However, a thought crossed her mind, and she couldn't resist teasing him.

"Speaking of clarity, Kanha, I haven't heard about any special someone in your life in Hastinapur," she teased, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Krishna chuckled, his playful side shining through. "Ah, you've caught me there," he replied. "But perhaps, instead of me, it could be you who finds that special someone."

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