Chapter 26-30

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Chapter 26 Arrangement (3)

 Mrs. Miao and Gu Dongmei were waiting in the main room. Jiang Dani was looking at the pot of porridge that had been simmering for a long time on the stove, being careful not to let the fire on the stove go out. It was a cold day. If the porridge is cold, it won't taste good.

 The Jiang family had already eaten. Erni also returned to the room with her two little sisters. This pot of porridge was prepared for Jiang Dahai and Jiang Yiliu who were outside. Before going to the brigade headquarters, Mr. Jiang specially Let the old woman stay up longer, fearing that her brothers might not eat.

 Mrs. Miao felt distressed when she grabbed the rice and put it into the pot. There were three grown men here, and the rice at home was not enough. But on this matter, she did not dare to disobey her old man, if she made him unhappy. , the one who suffers is still himself.

 Originally, she thought it would be for her little grandson, but unfortunately he suffered from the cold wind all day. She wanted to let him eat something good, so Mrs. Miao specially took out the bag of finely polished rice hidden in her room. The portion was not large, just enough for her son and grandson. Now she had to add the guests, so this little rice was not enough. Mrs. Miao simply added a few more handfuls of corn noodles and dried sweet potato strips, and cooked it. A pot of muddy porridge smells sweet of sweet potato and rice, not to mention how tempting it is when everyone is hungry.

 While Old Man Jiang and the strange old gentleman were talking to each other, Gu Dongmei invited everyone to sit down in the main room, while Old Mrs. Miao and Jiang Dani brought up the porridge that had been simmering on the stove for a long time.

 "We don't have anything good here. I'm afraid I will wrong you in the future."

 Jiang Cheng looked at the pot of porridge with white rice mixed with cornstarch. He knew in his heart that the Ruan family's family had been eating nothing like this. He felt sorry for his family. Brother is a little aggrieved.

 This is true. Even during the most difficult days of those three years, the Ruan family's financial resources were still able to guarantee a meal of white rice, two meat and two vegetables and one soup. Coarse food such as corn was only available on the battlefield in Ruan Yuanjiang. I had eaten it when I was a staff officer. At that time, it was common to eat grass roots. Ruan Yuanjiang was not worried about himself, but worried about whether his granddaughter Ruan Ruan would be used to eating it.

 Bai Fangqiu thanked Jiang Dani who served him the porridge, and held the bowl of porridge with both hands. Jiang Dani blushed. This was the first time she had seen such a kind elder. These two newcomers Grandpa seems to be different from my grandma.

 After serving Bai Fangqiu and Ruan Yuanjiang, Jiang Dani served another bowl to Huo Wu. Huo Wu was tall and strong, so Jiang Dani specially selected a large bowl and filled him with a full bowl of porridge.

 Old Mrs. Miao was so distressed, she secretly scolded her granddaughter for not knowing how to do things, but in front of so many people, how dare she open her mouth to scold her, so she just made another note in her heart.

 "Nai, I want to eat your pickled vegetables." Jiang Yiliu noticed Mrs. Miao's face and said coquettishly while holding his own bowl of porridge.

 "Yes, how can you just have porridge without side dishes? I'll get it for you right now." The world is so big and her grandson is the oldest. Mrs. Miao has no time to watch her eldest granddaughter serving the porridge. She went back to the kitchen in a hurry and went to serve the porridge. Pickles in a jar.

 A few living adults couldn't see the expression that Mrs. Miao had just shown. However, they didn't mind at all. Miao Sanfeng was just an ordinary woman. It was human nature to focus on her own family. Under such circumstances, it is very valuable that Mrs. Miao can allow a few people to come to the door. Ruan Yuanjiang and others will not have any grudges because of this.

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