Chapter 1

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You see the city crumbling in the distance, how did things get this bad? A few days ago everything was normal you were waking up in your small cabin, hunting and fighting off the monsters with your best friends Gavin and Michael or as they prefer to be called Team Nice Dynamite, farming with Geoff and running a shop selling weapons with Ray. All under the watch of the king Jack. How things have changed. What's happened to my friends? Is king Jack alive? Did the mission work?

~7 days before ~
Another beautiful day in achievement city, the sun is shining, birds chirping outside the window, this place is always so beautiful. Dragging myself out of my small bed I hear giggling coming from downstairs undoubtedly Gavin. How did they get in my house? I drop to the floor creating a massive bang making them panic, think they can surprise me jokes on them. I hear an "Oh fuck she's collapsed, we need to help her!" Coming from a concerned Ray.
"Mi-cool what's happened? I'm scared, we made her a nice breakfast aswe-"
"Shut the fuck up Gavin, I think she's faking it, you were too giggly she was bound to hear you" Walking down the stairs I shout "Waste my fun then Mogar, I really had the others going for a moment! How sweet making me breakfast though"
The four of you gather round your small wooden table, you put down a small cloth so that your table doesn't get destroyed. Silence is bliss as you eat your bacon and eggs.
"I am going to the king today to see about expanding the land and improving my farm, which would be good means more food like this!"
Ray, Gavin and Michael stare at you
"That's a great idea! King Jack seems like he would grant you that, it's not an outrageous request to make and he's a super nice guy!"
"Right I'll head there the now so that I won't be waiting for ages and the travel to the main city can take a while." You go up to the room and grab your cloak, and head out to the stable. "Ray look after the shop today and Michael I'm looking for some good food for me when I return."
"Hey! What about me!" The Brit shouts
"Gavin, you just stand there and look pretty" You head off before he can even respond and you can hear the boys laughter and Gavin making some strange sound. Today is going to be a good day.

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