Vote for Harshali in ITA 23!!

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Hello dears,
I know we all are very disheartened with the way the show has turned out.
I won't start my rant because it'll never end.

Although, we all know the hardwork our favourite stars have put into this project.
Its time as fans we show them that unlike creators we appreciate them so much.

Show the love, power and emotions of fans.
Go and vote for Harshad and Pranali for ITA 23.
It wont even cost you a minute, just go the ITA site and select our Harshali in the categories of Best Actor Male Drama and Female respectively and just click on vote.

If you are even a smallest fan of these actors, do it, it won't cost you anything but might make their day, the least justice we can give them for these characters.

#Harshali should win you all!!

I am not on social media, but it's a request to the fanpages reading this post to spread the word, lets make the fandom proud.

-Signing off
Sakshi Lohani.

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