Part 2: 1 Week Until Deployment

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18+ no minors please. Swearing, explicit sexual references, mentions of death, medical emergencies, panic attacks and past mentally abusive relationships.  

"I know you don't want to talk about it, Teacup, but I do," Jake said, following Flick into the kitchen

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"I know you don't want to talk about it, Teacup, but I do," Jake said, following Flick into the kitchen. She was wandering around tidying, pretending she was busy, but they both knew she was only doing it to try and escape the conversation.

"Flick, we can't keep putting this off – Ugh." He grunted in exasperation and moved to the side so she could access the cupboard she needed. She put a few bowls away and then forced a glass platter into Jake's chest for him to put on the top shelf which was too high for her to reach.

"Felicity, please."

Flick slammed the cupboard door shut and braced herself against the counter. Jake hovered silently and cautiously at her side; the only sound was the gentle hum of the refrigerator.

She knew exactly what he wanted to talk about. He had been trying to coax her into the conversation for a while now, as the day of his deployment drew nearer, yet so far, she had succeeded in brushing off the topic or distracting him. But she knew he was going to stand his ground this time. She couldn't kick the proverbial can any further down a dead-end road.

Turning to face him, she saw the anxiety in his eyes. His hair was ruffled from running his hands through it and his bottom lip was chapped from where he had bitten it so much over the past few days.

Flick wrapped her arms around his torso, hugging him tight, pressing her head against his chest. She hated the thought of going without this feeling for months, yearning for the comforting solidness of his body, the gentle strength of his hands holding her grounded. How would she cope without his gorgeous smile, his husky hello, his maple syrup kisses?

"I've never done this before Jake," she whispered. "I don't know how to be what you need me to be."

It was the best way she could explain her avoidance, to sum up, the cacophony of messy thoughts and worries that had spun in her head since Jake revealed his deployment dates.

I've never done this before. I've never told someone I loved them so soon and meant it so wholeheartedly. I've never knowingly lived with a Jake Seresin-sized whole in my life. I've never experienced how heavily the ache of missing you will lay on my heart.

She'd come up with her own recipe for coping; simply refusing to entertain the thought that he might not come back. But the more and more Jake tried to talk to her about it, she suspected that Jake didn't have the same way of dealing with things and that her scared obstinance wasn't helping him at all.

Jake kissed the top of Flick's head. "I just need you to be you," he said into her hair. "I need you to hear me out. Then you can tell me if I'm asking too much."

"Ok. I can do that."

They ordered a large pepperoni pizza and garlic bread to share, then, when it arrived, they sat opposite each other at Flick's small dining table and began to talk things through.

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