4. Good Morning Beautiful 🚨⁉️

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😘 Slight smut = 🚨⁉️
😍 Chapter filled smut = ⚠️⚠️

Tartaglia's POV

I remember everything that happened last night in a flash, remembering the moments where he... put it in- then... looked at me with those golden eyes of his... oh fucking hell. I groaned, rubbing my face there was a sharp pain in my back, flinching I move a hand to my lower back, putting pressure. Suddenly hearing movement from beside me, the brunette turned to face me, a smirk on his face, eyes now open. "Good Morning Beautiful." Zhongli's voice was low, acting seductive again, which I could remember clearly from last night. "O-Oh hey... erm..." As I was now sat up, my upper body was shown to him, I blushed deeply trying to break eye contact but I didn't know how to with his piercing gaze, going through mine and to my heart. "Did you have fun?" He asked, my eyes turning back to him, I cover my mouth remembering the scenes again and again. "Fun-? What fun...? We didn't do anything last n-night." Stuttering my words, the hand off my mouth now and scratching the back of my head, letting out a soft yet awkward chuckle. Looking down at the offaly handsome man in front of me. "Awh, I know you haven't forgotten, because I made myself very clear last night, and I made you not forget a single thing that happened in this room, last night." The brunettes voice made me feel so weak. Swinging my feet off the bed and onto the floor I gulp. "Yeah- right... you really broke my back... I don't think I can stand up straight..." I hear him get up as well, walking over to me, unfair that he had boxers on and I didn't. "Well then my love, I could carry you to the bathroom so I can wash you off, we both fell asleep and I couldn't clean the cum out your hole." Surprised by his words, he put his hands under my arms turning me around and lifting me up, I could feel my ass pressing against his crotch, I kick and try pushing him off... but nothing worked of course- "Wh- Hey put me down...!" I whined, my hands on his sides behind me, trying to push. "Not an option hon." He opened the bathroom door, it was a nice big modern bathroom with two sinks and a long mirror going across, the counter was marble, as well the floor and shower. The shower looked like it could fit 7 people- or something. He pushed me down on the counter, making me lean on the cold surface I shivered.
"C-Cold... can you please tell me what you're trying to do..." I complained, his had reaching in front of me to turn the faucet on, running warm water onto his hand. "Cleaning the cum out of you? It's bad for your health if it stays in there. You might get like some real bad stomach ache later today if I don't do this." He replied back to me, looking down at my back I could see him in the mirror. "Cleaning? The... YOU DIDNT USE A CONDOM?!" I yelled, immediately trying to stand up right, only to get pushed back down with great force. "Ack..." I winced, "I haven't bought condoms in over a week so I thought doing it raw would satisfy me." Zhongli grinned, sticking the fingers he put warm water on into my ass, I gasped feeling it slide in. "A-Ahh~ why are you... doing it... can't I just do it myself?" I asked, turning my head to the side, I could feel his fingers pulling and pushing, as he too out what was deep inside. "Well there's nothing to hide after all that sexy time Ajax~" He said in a teasing tone, making me blush while he washed his hand off. "Ah shit..." I cursed under my breath, just to have Zhongli give me a good slap on the ass I whined immediately, clenching my fists. Though it was embarrassing for him to slap me like that, In a way I liked it. "You're so cute you know that?" He comments using the same hand that he slapped me with to grope me, leaving more of a hand mark. "Ugh... stop it- please can I just wear something now? I'm cold as hell..." I gave him a complaining tone. He pulled me up just to hug me from the back, his hands snaking around my chest and waist, his head at the crook of my neck. "Yeah, why don't I get you changed, we can't let all that hang out hm?" Giving my neck a soft kiss. He was pretty big compared to me, muscle and everything... I was more of a, slim but fit type of guy, he was fit as well but not really in the slim way you know? His body is more masculine than mine. Now trying to get out his grip again I push my way toward the door, pushing on the counter to get some balance against his strength as I was now standing in front of the door, huffing. "Why are you so strong? Just- let go... it's not like im going anywhere." That was a lie, I'd leave through the window immediately. "Oh come on, your clothes looked like shit so I threw them out, I wouldn't want you walking on the streets naked so I found clothes that could fit you." He chuckled, opening the door for me in shock that he threw! My clothes away, this fucker. "Damn it..." My plan of course couldn't work, I had to spend whatever time he kept me here for with him, though, even if I was trying to get away there was something in me telling me that I shouldn't, I wanted to stay but I left all my stuff back at home, my phone, my wallet, I didn't have a way to call someone to pick me up... or think of a distraction, so this was my only choice, to say with Zhongli. "Alright, up we go..." He proceeded to lift me up again, letting my feet dangle and kick, as I held his arms again.

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