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★。+゚☆ Brooklyn ☆゚+。★

After I finished my singing exercises I started my homework but I could hardly concentrate, too many thoughts were going through my head.

Why the fight with my brother got so out of hand and why he reacted that way. Whether I should really go through with it with Jonathan and how best to raise him. And how I should behave towards Chris.

"Fuck." I shouted out of frustration and pushed myself away from the desk with my chair. What had changed in me in the last 1 ½ months that I thought about such things. I never argued with my brother so...emotionally, I never had any revenge plans and I never worried about Christopher Sturniolo.

There was a knock on my door and I was pretty sure it was one of my parents telling me not to yell. But when I turned around, my brother was standing in the doorway. I could tell by the look on his face that he wanted to apologize. And that relieved me.

"I think I need to apologize." He said and closed the door. I sat still because I wanted to hear what he had to say.

"I didn't mean that about Chris. I mean I think it's weird that he likes you but not because it's weird that someone falls in love with you but that he of all people falls in love with you. Chris is usually looking for other girls like-" my breath stopped and my heart beat faster. Had he just indirectly told me that Chris is in love with me?

"Wait? You mean Chris is in love with me?" I asked and I was surprised how much hope was in my voice. Adrain's eyes got big and he bit his lips, which always happened when he said something I wasn't supposed to know.

He changed the subject and paced back and forth in my room as he spoke. "It's not about that. I just wanted to apologize. I overreacted. There are things you don't know about and I don't want you to get involved. So please stay away from Jonathan. I know he's my friend, but that doesn't mean I approve of what he does with girls." Then he stopped and looked at me.

I wanted to go back to the topic of Chris to know what he knew. But he was right, that's not the point now. I cleared my throat.

"I understand. And I'm sorry I just left you there, it wasn't cool. And I don't want anything serious from Jonathan, I really don't. I have a plan to embarrass him in front of the girls so hopefully no one else will fall for it." I looked at him closely to see what his reaction was, he was my brother, I trusted him and knew he wouldn't say anything.

He started to grin. "Good to know." "Can you help me with that?" I asked.

"Brook, you're my sister, but he's still a good friend of mine." He said and raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I know, I just need the names of the girls he had a thing with, I could have gotten the names from anyone, he won't know you helped me." I said pleadingly. And he rolled his eyes.

"Fine. But don't you dare tell anyone you got the list from me. Give me until tomorrow, it's a very long list." He said and that made me grin.

"Thank you." I said and was glad that we had made up and that he was helping me. He went to the door and was about to leave and I turned back to my desk to continue when he turned around again.

"And one more thing. Since Chris met you, there is no one else, no other girl, just you. I was wrong." I looked at him and by the time I had processed his words, the door was already closed again.

That can't be, I just saw Chris today with another girl. And how far was he wrong? That he is not serious with me or that he is in love with me. But I could not go after him now, otherwise he would know how many thoughts I had about this boy.


"Okay girl, what's the plan?" Kathi asked me as we sat in her room at home, one day later.

"Well, I have the list here with all the names Jonathan has ever had- can you believe there are 46 names on that list, that's absolutely sickening." I said indignantly, pointing to the piece of paper I was holding up.

"That's inhuman, but explain the plan further." "Oh yes, we will talk to some of them and see what they have to say about Jonathan. And then at the Christmas assembly at school I'll make a speech and expose him." I explained proudly.

"Girl, that's a good plan. But if you don't mind me asking, why are you so mad at this guy?" she asked me. "Isn't this list enough? He's playing with these girls and he wants me to end up on this list even though he knows that one of his best buddies is in love with me. That's-"

She interrupted me. "Wait, wait, wait. What was that? Is this about Chris?" "No, it's about the plan and my reasons." I said, quickly changing the subject.

She suddenly started to grin. "No, don't tell me you're into Chris!" she yelled and I pulled a face. I didn't say that, just because he might have a crush on me doesn't mean I'll reciprocate."

"What makes you so sure he's into you?" she asked me and I sighed. "Adrian let it slip and all the signs are there. But not a word to Matt about it, maybe he's not into me at all and I was just delulu." I said and pointed a finger at her.

"Oh my god, Brooklyn, of course he's into you. You have to see the way he looks at you." She said really happy. And a thousand feelings came up in me that I didn't know. It was a mixture of joy and fear, great fear.

"How are you doing with it? Do you like him too or do you still hate him?" she asked histerically and came closer to me. "I don't know." I confessed. "Well then you have to find out, I'll call matt, we'll do something now." She said and faster than I could say no she already had her cell phone out.

She stood up and walked around with her cell phone on her ear. "Kathi leave it." I screamed and tried to tear her cell phone out of her hand. But it was too late, he had already picked up.

"Hey babe....what are you doing right now......yes we don't either.... So I was wondering if maybe you wanted to grab your brothers and we could grab a bite to eat together... Nick's not home? That fits, as long as chris is there..... yes ask him..................... he's not up for it?  Tell him Brook is there too........okay good, see you soon." Then she hung up and grinned at me.

"They'll be right there." She said and grinned broadly. I looked at her all pissed off and said, "I hate you" then she came over and hugged me and said, "I know I love you too."

★。+゚☆ Chris ☆゚+。★

I was sitting on the couch with Matt when he got a call.

"Hey Kathi.....nothing and you?.... yes love to . bNick is not home but Chris is here..... ahhhhh.... should I ask him?"

He took his phone away from his ear and looked at me. "Want to go out to dinner with us?"

I shook my head, with the two of them I would only be a third wheel.

He answered the phone again and turned to me once more. "Brook is coming with me," he grinned and I couldn't help but do the same. Of course I wouldn't say no to seeing her.

"He's coming with us... yes I'll get you... be right there. " he said into his cell phone and hung up.

"Come on, let's get the girls," he said and stood up. "Is this a double date?" I asked as we slipped into our shoes.

"Kathi wants it, but you know Brook, for her it's not a date". He said and we laughed.

I doubt we would ever go on a date together. But that okay, I can deal with that. As long she's my friend.

𝐂𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐞 - Chris SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now