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★。+゚☆ Brook ☆゚+。★

The next day I waited for Chris outside the school because we had an appointment to study.

"Oh hey Brooklyn." A voice said and suddenly I was hugged by Jonathan. I didn't return the hug, which was partly because I didn't see the hug coming. "Oh hello Jonatha." I said hesitantly

When he broke away, he stood in front of me and grinned at me. "Sorry I haven't contacted you yet, it's been a really stressful week with school and everything. I think you know that." He said and waited for my confirmation.

"All right, yes, I know that, otherwise I wouldn't be known as a nerd." I said.
"Okay, it's nice to know that you understand. I think we get on really well, but I have to get going now. I'll get back to you next week, I promise." He said and started to walk away.
"You do that, bye." I said and was glad he was gone.

"What was that?" the next person asked me, but this time I was happy to see the person. It was Chris.

"Oh, nothing."
"Didn't look like nothing." He said and looked at me suspiciously. I sighed, I couldn't tell him about my plan. Not because I didn't trust him, but because I didn't know whether he would put my secret above the loyalty of a good friend.

"Chris, do you trust me?" I asked, looking at him seriously. He looked me in the eye, he didn't answer immediately but I knew it wasn't because he didn't trust me but because he didn't expect this question.

"Yes." He said and for a moment I thought he was looking at my lips, but I must have imagined it. "Okay, well, believe me when I tell you that there's definitely nothing going on. I need him for something. Nothing more." He just replied, "Okay"

Then he looked down and bit his lip.
"I have a confession to make, we can't go to my place today, my mom is sick, she just called." He said and looked up again.

"Oh no, tell her I said get well soon. We're going somewhere else." I said and just thought about where. The library was closed today.
"Your place, for example?" he asked, looking at me as if he'd just had the idea of the century.

I rolled my eyes. My parents weren't home and my brother was at Silvia's, so we could go to my place. "Okay, let's break rule 3 too." I said and pretended it was really exciting.

"On the subject of not breaking the other rule." He said to provoke me as we walked to the car. "Yeah, that's okay." I said because I didn't want to get into this discussion.

"You know, if we didn't have any more rules, I wouldn't have to say that." He said and got into my car.
"You just want to flirt with me without me being able to say anything against it." I said and got in too.

"Maybe, but maybe you're just saying that to get me to do exactly that." He said as I started the engine. I just rolled my eyes and drove off.

It was quiet between us for a few minutes, just listening to the music from my playlist. And he would never admit it, but I sometimes caught him moving his head to my music.

But there was something else that was burning in my soul, something I absolutely had to know. "Chris? Can I ask you something?" I saw in the corner of my eye that he was looking at me. "Sure, anything you want to know."

"Someone told me that you're not dating anyone right now, but I always see you in the corridors with different girls." I said.

"That's it for rule number 4. I'll tell you soon you'll be breaking the first rule too." He said and avoided my question. I laughed, although it made me nervous that he didn't answer.

"You were the one who said that rules are there to be broken."
"That's true and I was right." He said proudly and grinned.

We arrived at my house and I sighed as I got out, somehow I was a little nervous. I unlocked the front door and let him in.

𝐂𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐞 - Chris SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now