Chapter I: Backup Phone

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"Where, is it... WHERE IS IT!"

SMG4 was just rumaging through his box of things, trying to find his backup phone. He was searching for it since yesterday, because this weird tv logo popped up on his screen, telling him a very special video that will definetly get him more subscribers is on that phone. Yeah, too bad. SMG4 is gullible. Meanwhile, Bob was crying in the corner because Meggy told him he can't buy anymore bombs, since he blew up the old man hobo that was just trying to get some Taco Bell. Mario was doing the usual, stylishly humping a plate of spaghetti. But Tari was acting... different. She wouldn't play any games, she wouldn't eat anything, and kept on reciting the words, over and over again: Someday... Somewhere... Somehow... It'll get us... It already found where I am... Meggy realized what was happening to Tari almost instantly. She came up to her, while having this feeling that what was happening right now was familliar.

"Tari?" Meggy called her, "Are you ok?"

Tari didn't answer her. Instead, she recited the words, "Someday... Somewhere... Somehow... It'll get us... It already found where I am..."

"Tari?" Meggy called her again. "This isn't funny, quit it!"

"Huh?" Tari jumped. She didn't notice Meggy was there. "Oh, hey Meggy!"

"What happened?" Meggy asked.

"Nothing, I just need some rest."

"Ok... if you say so..."

Meggy obviously didn't believe her, but helped her to her bed anyway. She felt like something was wrong, but didn't know what. Maybe Tari knew! I mean, she did figure out that they were in a simulation where One Shot Wren was controlling them, maybe she'll know what's happening! But that's when it hit Meggy. What if Wren was behind this? No, he's dead. Wait... Did he die?

"Meggy? MEGGY!" Tari yelled. Oh. She didn't realize Tari was calling her.

"Oh, sorry Tari." Meggy answered back. "What happened?"

"It's not him," Tari told her, "It's not Wren. Trust me, he did die when we left him there, Meggy."

"How did you know-"

Tari put a finger to her lips and said shhhh.




"Ok chat, what should I do now! Club Penguin or Shrek Online-" SMG3 was interuppted by an exhausted SMG4. "Oh, hey man. What's wrong? You ran a mile or something?"

"Three... have you seen... my... backup phone..?" Four was running out of breath from running for too long.

"Bro, chill out! Take a break or something," Three gave him his seat.

"Thanks, Three," Four replied.

"No proble-" Three stopped. "Don't you EVER call me by my number again."

"What? You called me by mine," Four told him. As Three ended the stream, Four asked him about his backup phone.

"I've been trying to look for it for like, forever!" Four explained, "Don't you have any clue where my backup phone is?"

"Nope, no idea" Three answered him.

"Ok... see ya..." Four left. He had almost lost hope of finding his backup phone. Three felt bad, and decided to investigate where it was. I mean, if Four helped him with his Sussy notebook in WOTFI 2023, might as well help him back! Three felt determined to help Four find his backup phone, but needed help. He wanted to keep finding his phone a secret, so he went to SMG1 and SMG2 for help.

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