Chapter V: Thanksgiving Special

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{Just wanna say, it's still SMG3's POV}

"WHAT?!" I yelled. But then it clicked. It was true. SMG4 did get that keyboard from a T.V popping up on his screen, and Tari is getting messages from a T.V contact with a profile picture with that same T.V for it. Suddenly, I started getting butterflies in my stomach. I think it's because of the beautiful sunset, and the shimmery water, and I'm with my crush. It was so... romantic...

"Yeah, I know," he started to speak. "That was my reaction when I first realized."

We went quiet after he said that.

I wanted to tell him how I feel. I know it's better at a time like this, because I don't know if we're ever gonna to have a time like this again. But what if he rejects me? What if he doesn't like me back? It doesn't matter. I need to tell him or I'm gonna burst.

(hehe book reference)

"I need to tell you something!" we both said at the same time.

"Or do you want to go first?" I offered.

"No, no! You go first," he insisted.

I looked at the sand, then took a deep breath. I can't believe this is happening...

I took another deep breath. 3.. 2... 1...

"I- have a crush on you," I admitted, "I always have. I just want you to be a part of my life, so..."

Before I could say anything else, I looked at him. He was blushing, and hard. But, I wanted to force myself so much to tell him. So, I did.

"Will you... be my boyfriend?" I asked. I did it. I finally did it. I turned to see SMG4 blushing and smiling. Just then, he pulled something from his pocket. It was a rose, with a note asking me out.

"I was gonna say the exact same thing," he said. Suddenly, he kissed me. It felt like the best part of my life.


I immediatly pulled back from the kiss.

"I'm sorry- I don't know what I was thinking!" I said, ashamed.

"It's ok. I enjoyed it anyway," SMG3 said. Then, he kissed me. I felt like this was a major step in my life, and I was ready to take it. Suddenly, while we were kissing, I heard someone call out our names.

"S-M-G-4!!!" Mario yelled. Oh, no. Mario. I quickly pulled away from SMG3. He looked at me weirdly for a second, but then I pointed up to show him Mario was there.

"Oh," he said. He didn't even looked bothered for some reason. Mario rushed down the cliff behind us. When he got to us, he looked at me happily


"No were no dating, you idiot!" I said.

(ik random SMG4 fans know this reference)

"You are kinda wrong because we just started dating," SMG3 added. What was he thinking?


"What?" I asked, "what do you mean, 'you've been waiting for this forever'? We haven't even fu- nevermind. But still!"

"You see," Mario said staring into my soul. "You guys still remember that you fucked."

"Oh, no no no," I shook it off, "that time was like war flashbacks."

"Then why are you resting yourself on him?"

I looked up. Oh shit, I guess I was resting myself on him.

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