''Who's Buzzard sky?''
Rowan cloud sighed, Rose storm could tell she didn't want to answer.
''Buzzard sky was a, Naïve apprentice.'' Rowan cloud began, ''She was arrogant.''
''She, And Freckled paw. Were madly in love, Of course, Shadow Clan couldn't do anything.''
Rowan cloud shifted her paws, ''We tried everything we could to... stop her.''
''But she wouldn't listen to us, When she became expecting. The Clan was furious with Freckled paw,''
''Buzzard sky kitted, Three moons later. She had Hawk wing, Yew kit, And Green kit.''
Rowan cloud had inhaled, ''She died. Moments later, Wooly fur said her body couldn't take the damage.''
''Lichen star announced her name, saying it was dis-informal not to.'' Rowan cloud mewed, ''Then Berry cloud came around.''
''Freckled cardinal fell in love again, Some say he loved her more then Buzzard sky. And it was true, He gave her more Fresh kill. flowers, And this was in the span of ten moons.''
Rowan cloud's eyes were filled with happiness, But sorrow along with it.
''When he found out she was expecting, He was overjoyed. Freckled cardinal would visit her on the regular,'' Rose storm couldn't help but perk her ears ''She loved him. And He loved her.''
''When she had Aspen kit, Freckled cardinal was a good father to him. But when Berry cloud died..'' She looked at her paws ''He became distant, From the Clan.''
Rowan cloud looked at Rose storm, ''Go to Hawk wing. She can tell you more,'' Rose storm nodded. Racing into the medicine den,
Antler heart and Hawk wing shared tongues. ''Hawk wing, What do you know about Freckled cardinal.'' The brown tabby's fur bristled,
''Why.'' She snarled, ''I just need to know.'' Rose storm pleaded,
''He's a fox dung, That's what.'' She turned away, Antler heart sighed.
He opened his mouth, ''Freckled cardinal wasn't the best father. To Hawk wing,'' He mewed
''He would neglect her, Saying she was worthless. a disgrace, and many more.'' He stared after her, ''She hated Aspen fang for what He got. And she didn't.''
''Thank you,'' She dipped her head to the white tom. ''Come back anytime, Ya' Burdock!'' He called.
Rose storm approached Rowan cloud, Who looked defeated. ''Are you okay?'' She mewed
''I just feel bad for Berry cloud,'' Rowan cloud sniffled. Quickly digging her muzzle into Rose storms red tabby fur.
After a moment of silence, Rowan cloud spoke. ''I love you..'' She murmured, ''I love you too..'' Rose storm murmured back.
Rose storm and Rowan cloud were patrolling early dawn, The two were being love birds.
''You two are gross,'' Aspen fang spat. ''Don't listen to him, You guys are cute!'' Wren step bounced.
The red tabby pressed against Rowan cloud, Who purred loudly. When they breached Wind Clan border, There Cinder star and Murky pad wait.
''What do you want?'' Aspen fang snarled, Rose storm bristled. ''Nothing, I must speak with Lichen star.'' He murmured,
Aspen fang bared his white teeth, ''He only has his deputy with him. Aspen fang, Let's see what he wants.'' Rose storm gave a stiff nod to Cinder star, who followed.
Rowan cloud was defensively bristling at them, Rose storm purred. Leading them into camp, Lichen star raced towards them.
''Cinder star,'' Lichen star narrowed his eyes to a glare. ''We must speak,'' He mewed.
Lichen star's fur lay flat, he flicked his tail tip to follow.
Rose storm pressed against Rowan cloud more, The cream patched gave an affectionate lick on the red tabby's head.
Juniper whisker and Ember stripe were moving into the nursery, their pelts were moving fast.
Rose storm looked for Rowan cloud, Who finally emerged into the nursery, Rose storm purred.
Rubbing her chin against Rowan clouds head, Rowan cloud dropped a heron.
Quail talon helped his mate, Ember stripe. Pad down her moss into the marshy surface.
Antler heart confirmed that Rose storm would kit any day now, Rowan cloud was a great father.
Rose storm licked her chest, standing. After finishing her heron, She was searching for something.
There, She found herself face-to-face with her brothers.
She narrowed her eyes, They requested for her last gathering. ''Yes,'' She shifted awkwardly.
''How are you?'' Fennel fern purred, Her brother was always the bright one.
She raised her haunches suspiciously, ''No need for that, Rose storm.'' Frosted hollow murmured,
''We are here, For you to rejoin River Clan.'' The Dark Red Tabby mewed,
She gasped quietly. ''You know what they did, Frosted hollow.'' She unsheathed her claws,
Fuzzy nettle narrowed his eyes, ''I know..'' He lowered his head.
''They tortured me, For no reason.'' She snarled, ''Red She Cats were a omen then. But now It's-''
''That doesn't change the fact, That they gave me scars for life.'' She glared at the three,
She began to move her paws. ''If you change your mind, Sister, Our offer is always open.'' She bristled at Frosted hollow's comment.
''Don't talk to me, Ever. Again,'' She stalked back threw a path-way.
When she reached Shadow Clan camp it was sun-high, Rowan cloud seemed to already be asleep.
Rose storm ducked into the nursery, Her den-mates were grooming each-others fur.
Gorse kit ran into her red tabby paws, The pale ginger tom was staring at her.
His eyes full of fear, ''S-S-S-S-Sorry!'' He pinned his ears to his head.
She nudged him forward, Moth nose licked Gorse kit. Rose storm lay in her nest,
Slowly.. Falling asleep. She looked around, This was beautiful.
The red leaves sparkled as they fell, She turned her head to see a Dark gray tabby,
With white small spots on their body, ''Teal paw!'' She raced towards the tabby,
She hugged her, This apprentice was her only friend. Until she was murdered by that horrid leader.
''You, You are pure of heart, You must face the danger that follows. Rose's Thorns will spill blood, One of Rose's blood. One of the Rose's leaves will fall, The future may stray from its nest. But the Finch stays still for now.''
Rose storm lifted her head, Dawn was just showing itself to the sky.
Her body surged with pain, She yowled.
She clenched down on the stick as the cats were telling the others how she was kitting,
Her eyes flicked to the White tabby licking a Red tabby kit with cream patches,
Rose storm's body filled with joy.
Blood Shed. (unfinished)
ActionThe clans are falling apart, Raven star is growing powerful by the day. Sight star can't help but follow, They're alliance grows stronger. The three Other Clans can't hold up, Forbidden loves. Uncontrollable emotions, What will they do? First. We w...