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Axel was sitting at the bar in Mystic grill, drinking whisky.

The town was crowded with masked people since it was Halloween.

Axel couldn't even count how many 'vampires' he saw, all of them more ridiculous than other, some of them were even glittering.

"And who must you be?" Caroline arched an eyebrow, looking at Axel as she walked up to him.

Axel looked at the blonde girl who wore purple witch costume.

"Just me. A witch? Do you want to be a witch darling?" Axel asked as Caroline took a sit next to him.

"Why not, witches are cool." Caroline smiled, showing her dimples and Axel chuckled at the girl.

The two continue to talk for some time when Axel heard a commotion.

"Caroline, i have to leave, will you be alright? If you need a ride just text me alright?" Axel said as he stood up, kissing Caroline on the forehead and quickly left the grill, not waiting for her answer.

Axel vampire speed towards the noice, walking through the school busses when he saw Elena, Jeremy and Vicky.

Vicky holding bleeding Elena by her neck as Stefan run out of the building.

Before anyone could do anything, Axel rushed forward, throwing Vicky off of Elena.

Elena dropped to the ground where Jeremy and Stefan quickly catch her, while Axel walked toward Vicky who was thrown to the bus.

Vicky quickly stood up, glaring at Axel, her eyes turned into that's one of a Vampires. She run up to Axel but was to slow for him.

Axel grabbed her throat, smacking her on to the ground with so mush strength the ground broke.

Vicky started to cough violently and Axel once again through her against the wall.

Before she could stand up, Axel speed behind her, making her fall to her knees, holding her hands and looking at Stefan, who was staring at him in shock with Elena and Jeremy, in anger.

"I told you to take care of the problem, what the hell is going on?" His voice was low but anyone could hear his anger.

"Let go of me." Vicky yelled at Axel, trying to get away but Axel tightened his hold on her.

"If you won't control yourself, I'll kill you, so think wisely." Axel looked down at Vicky, his vampire face coming out, and Vicky stopped immediately.

"Wait, wait, we don't have to do that." Stefan quickly stepped forward.

"Please don't do that." Jeremy pleaded.

Elena looked at Vicky and then at Axel, standing slowly.

"I know what she did was bad, but please Axel, don't kill her, Stefan said he could help her control it." Elena pleaded.

Axel let out a sigh and looked at Stefan for some moment, he than make Vicky stand up and started to walk away with her.

"Take Elena and Jeremy home, I'll take care of it, and no I'm not going to harm her." At his words, Stefan quickly did what was said.

Axel and Vicky got into Axels car, Vicky was in the backseat since that what the male wanted.

"Where are you taking me?" Vicky  asked, leaning in between front seats.

"Boarding house."

"I don't want to."

"I didn't ask."

"Well you should've, i want to go to my home." Vicky demanded but quickly backed down when Axel glared at her.

"Listen here, I'm not Damon to keep you alive for entertainment nor am as kind as Stefan, so what you're going to do now is be a good girl and shut up. Now Caroline will come here so I'll take her home and you won't say anything. When we get in boarding house, I'll tell you the rest."

Vicky was going to ask more when the door of the car opened as Caroline sit in the passenger seat.

"What is she doing here?" Caroline asked when Axel started the car.

"She's high and I'm taking her to her home, matt couldn't he had to do something."

Vicky looked at Axel offended and got even more offended when Caroline believed so easily.


After Axel dropped Caroline at Forbes house, he and Vicky walked inside the Salvatore boarding house.

Damon and Stefan were already there, looking at Vicky and Axel.

"Damon, you turned her so you're going to teach her how to control, no killing, is that understood? And Stefan i know you don't agree, but not everyone can feed on squirrel and Vicky, if i see you harming anyone else, I'll stake you." Axel looked at the three of them, making sure they understand everything.

"Now, since we don't have a problem anymore, I'm going to go, get my well deserved rest." Axel turned around, leaving the three and going to his room.

He quickly changed and got in the bed, going to sleep but not before sending a quick goodnight to two blondies.

Immortal Love. | C. Forbes x N. Mikaelson x OC |Where stories live. Discover now