Dear Diary

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Oct 10
Hey Diary, How's it going!? Me? I'm okay, I saw Patrick and Rose holding hands and walking home, again. I know it's not good for my heart, but it's hard to look away. He's just so happy, and it's without me. I should have known this was going to be how it ended between us.
Diary, I really don't know what to do now. I guess just focus on School and myself...yeah. Alright bye

Oct 17
Dear Diary,
It hurts so bad, I saw them kissing today, like really kissing I couldn't look away, I feel like I'm unwell. I'm obsessed with them. I end up following them and watching them. And this wasn't the first time. I should tell someone I have this it a problem Diary? Is it wrong? I just stood there watching them, his hand on her neck, her hands on his back. They were just entangled in each other making out. And I couldn't... I didn't want to look away.

Oct 28
Dear Diary, Lulu told me I needed to stop spying on Patrick and Rose. And told me it's very not right. I know she's right but it's hard to quit.

Oct 29
She saw me.

Oct 30
Diary, my obsession ended, with Rose finding me watching them last time they were making out. She grabbed me out of the bush, and threw me down on the ground. She yelled at me, but I didn't hear anything she was saying, I just saw Patrick's face, was it worried, was it disgust? I was disgusted with myself. All I remember was Patrick pulling Rose away. And I was left there crying on the concrete.

January 5th
Dear Diary, hey it's been a while. I started going to a lot of clubs. A couple months ago Lulu told me that would help me get over my heartbreak. And she was right. I'm over Patrick, and it feels so good.

January 12th
Hey, so I might have met someone, I've seen him around before, but I've never talked to him. Harry, talked to me like it was the easiest thing he's ever done. He told me he liked my glasses, he said I looked smart. Me? Smart? Hehehe, ok.

January 14th
HE ASKED ME OUT!? I SWEAR IM NOT MAKING THIS UP! I'M NOT IMAGINING IT!! He looked into my face and asked me to go with him, and his sister and his sisters boyfriend, to a new restaurant. I can't remember there names, but I'll tell you when I remember.

January 19th
Harry, Mimi, Gus took me to an amazing Italian restaurant! I've never ate was amazing. They were all amazing, Definitely Harry, *sigh* he's amazing!! He's so adorable! He told me I looked pretty. I had my hair up in buns. I had this thing called chicken alfredo? It was amazing. Harry thought so too, because he grabbed my fork right before I ate some, and stuck it into his mouth. His mouth. His lips. Okey I got to go byE.

January 26th
Harry picked me up from school and walked me home, he just kept talking and smiling, I didn't say much. Just smiled back, I laughed a couple times. I loved how I could see his breath in the air, because it was so cold. When we got back to my house, I invited him in, but he said no. And instead just pulled me in for a hug. Then left quicky. I just stood there and watched him leave, Frozen. I wonder what's going on with him. BUT HE HUGGED ME.

January 27th
Harry didn't text me at all today, makes me worried what I did. Or if he's ok.


Harry walked away from Tammy standing outside her house. He ran his fingers through his hair. "*Sigh* What is this girl doing this to me?" He blushes and kicks some snow. "Ugh, I should slow down, I don't want to hurt her." As soon as he gets out of her sight, he runs all the way home.

"Hey hun, welcome home! Mimi said you would be a little late, where did you go?" His mom's bright red hair, stands out with her white sweater on, she's very tall. He sits down at the dining table with his family."Oh, just said hi to a friend." Mimi kicks him under the table, he kicks back. "Oh that's nice son." His dad's voice booms in the room. "Hows band practice going!?" His father also said. "OH, oh, OH. Super WELL daddy!!" Mimi interrupts what harry was about to say. "Hey dad?" Harry speaks again. "Yes?" "How soon, is too soon, for dating someone you just met?" "AH, well...mmm." Mom puts her hand up. "Well, your father asked me out the second day, he ever saw me, he was just that attracted to me!" She giggled.

After dinner Harry walked up the stairs, and half way up, he heard his sister scream, he got startled and dropped his phone, it fell all the way back down, and shattered. "NO My phone!!!" Harry ran back down the stairs. Tried turning it on, to no avail. "Dang it."
Mimi came running to the banister, "OMG I'm so sorry Harry, Sky just dumped some tea on me and I got too excited!"
"It's...fine. NO, NO." He looks up at Mimi. "DO YOU Have Tammy's number!?" " I don't, I'm sorry Harry ." "Damnit!!!" "LANGUAGE SON!" His dad boomed. "Sorry dad."

A day passes, now it's Sunday. Harry was so busy yesterday he couldn't make time to run over to Tammy's to let her know about his phone. But he didn't let another day go by. As soon as he woke up on Sunday, he ran to Tammy's house.

As he stood in front of her house he thought how crazy he was.

Tammy opened the front door, because she saw out her window, he was just standing there. "Harry! You are here!? What's going on?" "Tammy! Tammy, I'm so sorry, for not texting or calling yesterday, see my phone broke and I couldn't find time yesterday to come and tell I'm here now." "oh, thank you telling that it?" Harry swallows hard. "No, I wanted to ask you out on a date, a proper one." Tammy runs to him. "yEs! Yes!" "Oh thank goodness!....Tammy! You have no shoes on!!! It's the middle of winter!!" "I couldn't help myself! And it's just snow." Before she could finish her sentence, he scooped her up, and carried her back to her porch. "Here, there you Friday at 7, ill pick you up here!" He said as he walked away. "OKAY!" Tammy yelled back to him.


January 28th


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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