To The Subway. Again.

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   Oliver and Sara walk down the hallway in their school. Sara wondered what he was thinking about, because he had his head down, and his lips moved like he was talking. "You should watch where you're going. You might run into something." Sara said finally. "Oh, right. Sorry." Oliver said, but obviously still distracted. "Hey, is everything ok?" "Yeah, It's just my mom again." He lied. "Oh, I'm sorry. I hope it gets better for you." Oliver felt bad for lying to her. He was just so nervous. He was about to do something that took nerve. 

 At lunch Patrick had an idea of going to the subway after school. To show the gang where they met Oliver. Sara of course was NOT happy about that! To relive the most embarrassing moment of her life. But she was out voted. 

After dark, the gang went to the subway. When Sara saw the bench that Oliver sat on, when they first met; she wasn't embarrassed anymore. Actually she was happy, she thought that they wouldn't have an amazing friendship, without that moment. The gang laughed about the night. "Go on Oliver, sit over there!" Joe said. "Ok, sure." Sara was surprised how Oliver was so quick to respond positively. She wondered what got into him. 

"Sara, do it! Go over there and say the line!!" Patrick said, too excited. Sara smiled and walked over to Oliver. She looked at Oliver, and for some reason he looked like he was about to pass out. " Um, Can I kiss you?" "Yes." Wait a minute, did he just say 'yes', Sara thought. Sara looked dead into his eyes, he DID. 

Oliver looked even more nervous now. He dreaded this moment from when his brother had this idea a couple days ago. Because Oliver couldn't tell her that he had a huge crush on her for a while now. Now, they just stare at each other. "Excuse me?" Sara said with a smile. "I guess that's a no?" Oliver looked down shaking his head. "What the heck!? Of course not! You weirdo!" Sara said laughing. Oliver couldn't believe it! 

 Sara leaned down, and grabbed his face in her hands. And kissed him. The gang laughed and was clapping. But Oliver didn't, he just grabbed Sara's face and pulled her down. Sara immediately lost her balance, and fell into Oliver's lap, and he kissed her so intently. She couldn't help but rap her arms around him. Well, now the gang started yelling with excitement watching this still from afar. 

"What's got into you today?" Sara said pulling away. "You Sara. You are in my head every single day. Every single moment. I can't stop Sara. I can't stop thinking about you. You are one of the most amazing people I know! You always put others before yourself. I like you so much!" "Oliver, I like you too." 

"KISS HER AGAIN!" Vicky yelled. Oliver didn't hesitate. He put his hands around her. And kiss her gently. The gang screamed happily again. 

On the way home holding hands, Sara knew nothing would be the same.  

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