Patrick is King

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Tammy is Queen but in Patrick's perspective-AD

Patrick walked back into the school, from running on the track. He opened his water, as he was drinking, he saw Tammy watching and hiding from the corner of his eye.  'Well, might as well give her a show.' he thought. So he let water drip down his face and down his neck. 

Tammy moved her head out of sight. He smiled. He walked over to her, and heard her say 'Too hot'.  He blushed. "Hello Tammy, what are you doing hiding over here?" He saw she was clearly startled by his presence.  "Oh, hello Patrick. Nothing just noticing how pretty our floors are!" she said, nervously "Ok, Bye!" At that Tammy ran away. He laughed. 

"Well, that was weird. That's the 3rd time this week, I saw her in this exact place." Patrick thought to himself 'I wonder how she finds me so easily? Does she know my schedule? OR!'  He looked around. Then started jumping around trying to find a passageway. And feeling all the walls in the area. "MMM, No secret passageways. Interesting. What's your secret Tammy? How do you do it? I must find her!" 

He saw her go in the ladies's locker room. "No one uses these during the week! What are you doing Tammy?" He walked in, and saw Tammy going through a locker. He walked over to her. And saw pictures of his face covering the whole locker. 'Well, if that's not commitment, I don't know what is.' He thought. Tammy heavily sighed. And shut her locker. She looked up at him.  "Oh Patrick......PATRICK!? What are you doing here? You can't be in here!" "Relax Tammy, no one is in here except me and you." He saw her swallowed hard. "I know what you're up to!" Patrick said, getting in her face. " do?" Patrick saw she was getting nervous and he smiled evilly. 

"Yeah, you are a leader of a secret cult in the school's basement!" He saw she was relieved. "Oh, really?" "Yeah, and I want in." He saw her get tense again, and he knew the wheels were spinning in her mind.  "Um. Ok, but you don't know what it is." "I don't care, if you are the queen of it, I want in." Her face dropped.  "So when is the first meeting?" He said, still really close to her face. "Um......wait one second! Why would I let you in? How do I know you wouldn't rat us out?!" Tammy said. He knew she was trying to improvise. 

 "You're right! You must put me through tests, to make sure I'm loyal!" He said, raising his fist to the sky.  "Um.....ok. I'll give you the first test tomorrow." They stared into each other's eyes in silence for too long. "Ok Bye!" She said then ran out. Patrick smiled. "See you tomorrow, my Queen." 

The Next day, He saw her putting books in her normal locker. He came up behind her, disappointed that this one didn't have a single picture of him. "HI! Tammy!" He said loudly purposely, because he wanted to starler her.  "Gezz, Patrick stop scaring me!" He smiled, he succeeded. "Do you have the task for me?" "Yeah, Um.. You need to get me a fork from the cafeteria during the morning period!" He looked at her for a second. She swallowed hard. He got really close to her face again. "Got it!" He said then walked off almost skipping away. He knew that she couldn't believe he agreed to that. 

During the first period, Patrick raided his hand and asked to use the restroom. He saw Tammy look down, as he walked out. And he walked into the bathroom even though he didn't need to go. "Ok, now what. What do you mean, you're going to do it!" Patrick said, talking to himself. 

Patrick heard one of the toilets flush, and a boy walked out of one of the stalls looked at him weirdly and washed his hands and walked out.  Patrick looked under the stalls, to make sure no one else was in there. "Well, that wasn't embarrassing." Patrick looked at his reflection. "You can do this!" He ran out and ran down the hall and stopped at the cafeteria. He looked in, no one was in sight. He walked in, but stayed low.  

He saw the silverware, 'Got ya!' He grabbed a fork. The lunch lady walked out of the kitchen. He ducked under the table that the silverware was on. He wasn't spotted. He ran out.  

He walked in the classroom, smirking. He made sure the teacher's back was turned. As he passed Tammy's desk, he softly put the fork on it. She blushed violently. She quickly grabbed it, and stuck it in her bag. He sat down and smiled. 'I just did that'. 

After class during lunch, Patrick came behind Tammy, starting her again. "So, what's next?" he said, sitting next to her at the empty table. Tammy stayed silent for a while. "Um...." She started at the ground. He smiled. "You don't know, do you? You didn't think I would do the first one, did you?"

He saw a light bulb go off in her head. "Fine! Here's your next task, the fountain outside in the front of the school, before the next class begins go jump into it and yell 'I'm the best swimmer.'" He smiled, he knew, she thought he wouldn't do it. Well, he was about to prove her wrong. Patrick got really close to her face again and said "My Queen, are you trying to sabotage my loyalty to you?" Tammy blushed really hard. Then she tried to act like she didn't. But he saw. "Of course not!" she said. "Well then, as you wish." Patrick got up. And walked out of the cafeteria. 

When he got the fountain, he took his shoes and socks off. 'Well, here goes nothing.' He jumped in. It was so cold. But he endured it. "I'm the best swimmer here!" People laughed at him, but he didn't care. Because he was proving his loyalty to Tammy. When he saw her, he got out and grabbed his shoes. "So did I pass? What's next?" Tammy shook her head in agreement. "I don't know Patrick, come on let me help you get dried off." He smiled. She cared too much for him, always worrying. 

He noticed they walked to the gym's locker room, where all this started. She walked deeper in to check things out. He walked over to the sink and pulled his shirt off and started to ring it out. He heard Tammy say 'All clear.' Then saw her in the corner of his eye, staring at him again. He saw how red she got. He smiled in his head. 'Why does she like me so much? I'm not that great.' 

"Patrick Gong, come to the principal's office now!"  

Patrick sighed. Of course, he thought. "Well, my Queen, I must go." At that he left the locker room. 

A few minutes later, he heard Tammy catching up to him. "Patrick! I'm so sorry! Please let me go in with you! I can explain that I dared you to do it!" "No, I must go alone." Tammy started to cry. His heart hurt seeing her like that.  "Patrick, please! This is all my fault!" "No, you will stay here." 

He turned away from her. He walked in. "Hello Patrick Gong, I heard you went swimming and actually I can see that too." The principal said. "And don't say you didn't because i saw a video. And you're still soaking wet. So why did you think that was a good idea?" Patrick said, nothing. "Why did you do it?" And he just shrugged his shoulders. Even though he did know. He did it to prove to someone that he would do anything for them. Because he loved them.

"Well son, if you don't want to answer I have no choice but to give you detention for the rest of the week." They waved him out.

Patrick stood up and left. And walked out to Tammy. 

They started to walk down the hallway, "Yep, so I got detention. Someone recorded me in the fountain." "I'm so sorry, Patrick!" "It's ok, so what's next?" She stopped in her tracks. He looked back at her. "No! No, more." "What!? But I haven't pass, yet!" Then he saw Tammy's mood change. "AHH! I can't keep doing this to you anymore!! Look, the cult doesn't exist! That's why the tasks were so hard! I know you're mad. I'm so sorry for lying to you. But I had to, or else you would have figured it out."  

Patrick just stared at her. Then he got really close to her face, like always. "Tammy, I know. I'm not mad." He looked into her eyes, and saw fear. "Like how much, do you know?" He smiled. He grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her to him. "Everything." At that, he kissed her. Their kiss meant everything to him. When their kiss broke. He bowed to her.

"My Queen."

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