1. the dance

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- takes place in season 2 episode 2

Mobius pov:

As we enter London in 1977, Loki immediately feels uneasy and tries to convince me that Sylvie is not here. Of course I believe him, especially because him and Sylvie have that strange connection that I still don't really understand, or at least that's what I keep telling myself. Deep down I know what Loki's intention with Sylvie is, which doesn't make it hurt any less. Neither does it stop me from spending quality time with my friend and making the best out of our missions.

"Where Is Brad Wolfe?", I hear a woman speaking in a pretty loud voice to a security member. Loki looks at me questioningly, after I gave him a little nod we approached that woman. "I'm sorry ma'am but it will still take a while, Mr. Wolfe is stuck in traffic", the security member answers friendly. His kindness actually surprises me a bit...I must have spend way too much time with rude people. Loki is not one of them of course. He is starting to become more caring and kind over time.

"And what now?", Loki whispers. "I don't know, we should just wait for him." "Mobius, what are we supposed to do here? This place is full of people and we have no idea when X-5 is gonna show up." "Come on, let's just have fun, there is nothing we can do to change this situation. Besides, when was the last time you could actually enjoy yourself, huh? I mean, I could certainly use a break", Loki seems to think about it and sighs quietly. "Fine."

I do my best to contain myself and stop the huge grin that is trying to spread across my face. "Come on", I grab his arm and pull him away from the crowd into the big fancy building. As we reach a rather private corner I let go of his arm and sigh quietly to myself. "And what now?", Loki's eyes shift around the room nervously. "Loki relax, you're so jumpy. Everything's gonna be fine." "What if he doesn't know where Sylvie is?", finally his eyes land on me but there is a lot of worry in them. Worry for Sylvie.

"That is not what I meant with taking a break", that sounded way more rude than intentionally planned. So I was going in for an apology, but before I could speak up again, Loki interrupted me: "You're right...sorry".

While we were both lost in our thoughts, I heard a faint sound of music in the distance. As if my brain wasn't working properly anymore, I said: " Wanna dance?"

To my surprise, Loki didn't seem to be weirded out or anything. His expression was actually really hard to read at this moment. I felt a light burn on my cheeks as I realized what I just said. "Dance? Here?", is all he says. "Forget it, it was just a joke", I chuckle but I couldn't hide the discomfort in my voice. "It's not you", he reassuringly lays a hand on my arm "I just don't think the people here would tolerate it", his lips form a small smile. Now it was his time to pull his hand away and look at the floor. "Did you even mean it like that?", he reminds me of a scared little boy again, that resemblance turns one corner of my mouth up. "Loki?", he doesn't look up at first but after releasing an uneven breath, his eyes meet mine again.

"I kind of did but you're right, not here. If that would ever happen, which I know it won't, I would want it to be more private but like I said, it was just a joke. Sorry", the words just tumble out of me before I can think about any of them. There was an awkward silence for a moment before Loki quietly says: "Yeah...right." Another awkward silence. How could I mess up our special private time this quickly? I'm such an idiot.

The next thing I heard was a quiet smack of lips. "Let's just pretend that this is a time where nothing else matters, alright?", my eyes meet Loki's again to see if he was messing with me. The look on his face seems so pure that the only thing I want to do is wrap my arms around him and resisting to let him go any time soon. Still confused at where he is going with this is I hesitantly answer: "Right?" "Right, okay", he grabs my arm gently with a firm grip and pulls me closer to the music behind some curtains so we are shielded from all the fans and reporters.

"Loki, what are you doing?", way to soon he lets go of my arm again but he holds his hand out instead. Looking up from his hand to his eyes, I can see that he is looking away from me with the faintest shade of pink across his cheeks. "You said you wanted to dance", is all he mumbles, still not looking at me.

Of course I wanted to dance with Loki, I wouldn't ever want to stop but this can't actually happen. Just a moment ago we were supposed to be on a mission, the TVA is falling apart and Loki is still worried sick about Sylvie. Despite all that, Loki helds out his hand and is waiting for me to take it.

Almost as if time would stand still, I hesitantly move my arm to take his hand. As our fingers touch, I pull away the slightest bit and only then did I realize that my hands were actually shaking. When I finally laid my hand in his, we stare at our hands. We stay silent. Are we seriously spending our free time like this? Like awkward shy teenagers? What is going on, we are always so comfortable around each other.

As if Loki was reading my mind, he started to speak up: "Let's dance then", his other hand grabs my waist, which immediately pulls me closer to him. Our chests are almost touching. Before I can freak out, I have to remind myself to stay calm. Mobius, seriously get a hold of yourself.

My slightly shaking hand moves to his back and lingers there for a moment before I place it just under his shoulder blade. Loki gives me a shy little smile and I can make out a green sparkle forming in his eyes. Is he using his magic?

That thought got thrown away completely the moment he started to move. We started to sway to the rhythm of the music and smile at each other. This feels like a dream, when I started to make some deeper research about the god of mischief, I've never expected to fall for one of his variants so badly. To have this opportunity and dance with Loki is just so far away from reality. My Loki. Who can't shut up about his other variant, Sylvie who drives me insane in the bad way as same as the good way.

Loki moves away from the corner where we were hidden from everyone. Panic begins to flood through me but I still continue to dance with him. "Relax, they can't see us", Loki whispers. "What?", then I realized that Loki's eyes still have that green sparkle and he starts to smirk. "I wanted to get closer to the music", his smirk turns into a genuine smile again: "And I don't wanna put you in danger just because we want to enjoy ourself". I have to look down so Loki can't see my very obvious blush and whisper quietly to myself: "mischievous scamp".

When I look back up again, Loki is still smiling at me and he looks very proud of himself and at the same time I can see something in his expression that I couldn't see on him before. It looks like he is amazed but different. Is that his way of admiring something or probably someone. Is Loki admiring me?

I can feel the blood rushing back to my cheeks and my hands getting sweatier. "Mobius, are you alright?", his question is filled with genuine concern. "Yeah, I'm alright", I manage to smile back at him.

We continue to dance for a bit and thankfully it's not awkward between us anymore. We are back to just being Loki and Mobius. While we are still dancing together.

This story is inspired by a fanart I saw, where Loki and Mobius dance and wear the clothing that they wore at the X-5/Brad mission.

If you notice any spelling or grammar mistakes, please tell me!!

The moment I'm publishing this, we still have to wait for 2 more episodes of season 2 and I think I'm going insane, especially after seeing the trailer they published on Instagram.
I still had hope for them to become canon and I guess there is still some hope in me (because I need them to be canon) but after that trailer I don't think it's gonna happen :/
It's not like I seriously thought that they were gonna do it but this season just built this ship up so well :(((
Sorry, I just needed to blow off some steam (this trailer is haunting me)

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