2. Christmas at the TVA

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- Loki's pov

There is no such thing as time at the TVA but Mobius knows that I've never celebrated Christmas as it is not a holiday we have on Asgard. Besides that, everyone in the TVA hasn't celebrated Christmas as well and if they did, in their life on the sacred timeline, they can't remember it.

So for the last few days, Mobius spent almost every minute of his free time, researching Christmas traditions and preparing everything at the TVA. He seems really excited about it but I am a bit worried about him. Mobius has this habit that he can easily loose himself in a mission or something else that he feels like he has to do, without paying attention to his health.

One time, we finally had some time to get dinner together again but he just stared at a file and changed maybe two words with me. Eventually I stole the file from him and he just grumbled at me, quietly eating his food. "Mobius, you're getting too obsessive", my voice was full of concern and I reached across the table to take his hand. He sighed exhaustedly: "You're right, sorry", he gave me a weak smile and squeezed my hand gently. He looked so tired.

"Can I do something to help you?", I really wanted to relieve him from some of the stress he put upon himself. "No, I want to this. Especially for you", another gentle squeeze. "But I can help you, you don't have to do this on your own you know?" "I know and that's very kind of you Loki but I want to do this on my own. 'Wanna surprise you", I sighed quietly and intertwine our fingers.

"Will you come to bed before I fall asleep today?", he knows that I have trouble with sleeping, especially at the TVA but if Mobius is close, I just feel comfortable and can fall asleep pretty quickly. He thought about it for a second: "I...really want to finish this today, I'm sorry Loki", he gave me a sad version of his puppy eyes. "Sure", I nodded sadly: "I'll wait for you this time". Mobius opened his mouth to argue but closed it again before he added: "I'll try to make it quick".

Later that day I waited for him in our shared room, it was actually Mobius' room, I just moved in with him after we became an official couple. Before we weren't really official I was hanging out at his place most of the time anyway. I tried to distract myself with reading but my thoughts always drifted away to my stressed out boyfriend. It still feels weird to call him that sometimes. Eventually I tossed the book aside and got up.

I noticed that Mobius has a soft spot for sweet food and drinks which is ironic because his taste in people is rather dark, like myself but maybe that's why he looks for the sweetness in his food. Anyway, I got out of our room and got a slice of key lime pie - Mobius' favourite – and two cups of hot cocoa from the machine.

It took me some time to get used to these overly sweet things but that pie will always be a bit too sweet for me. I love watching Mobius eat it though, it's adorable how happy he can get about something like a slice of pie. Besides, it helps him when he's stressed and he is definitely stressed right now.

Because I thought that Mobius would still take a while before he came back to our room, I got myself some grapes. Back in our room, I put everything on the table except the grapes which I played around with as I threw them in the air and tried to catch them with my mouth.

As I ate all of them, I laid back in bed, watching the food and drinks on the table just waiting for Mobius to get back to me without doing anything.

Luckily it didn't take him that long from there to get back to me. I heard some rustling with the doorknob and I immediately jumped off of the bed. "Loki?", Mobius whispered and peeked in the room. "Mobius", I smiled at him. He got inside the room, closing the door behind him.

"You waited", he smiled weakly with an adoring expression. "I promised", I gave him a comforting hug before I helped him take off his jacket. "Thank you", he chuckled and gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

Lokius Oneshots (Loki x Mobius)Where stories live. Discover now