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Hey... Hello world... It's Tim...
I've noticed that the story isn't getting a lot of readings yet. I don't know why.
I understand, maybe you don't like the plot or the way I write. But I wanted to write because I like it.

So, we can say that there is a moment in history when the organization of DхD was created. But I personally want to give a different name. I don't know which one yet. I will accept your suggestions.

Also, as you may have noticed, I've changed the cover of the story. Let us know if you like it. Or I should change it back.

I also figured out how to write the wedding of Issei and Ravel... I think you'll like it.

I'm also thinking of writing one chapter just about Vergil (a normal day).

Okay, everyone, Have a good day, evening... Yours Tim

 Yours Tim

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