Chapter 19...Last day and girls..

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It's probably been a year since we started all this preparation for the battle against the Chaos Brigade and the demons, and of course I was surprised that so far everything has been quiet... Too much. But for now, I'm thinking about how I can slay the demons and their king, Mundus.

I'm now in Lord Ajuka's domain... As the ultimate class devil , I need my own pieces in order to assemble my peerage.

Ajuka:Issei, you can come in.

Lord Beelzebub called me. I entered a huge hall, near which stood a huge statue in the form of a statue of a chess piece of a king.
Near the monument near the monument stood by the ajuka , sirzechs , Serafall , Azazel sensei also there were Ravel, lefay and kuroka standing next to me, they were really waiting for me to get my pieces and be able to assemble my team.

Issei: So.. how do I get my pieces?

Ajuka :It's simple. You just have to put your hand on the monument. Your energy will gather and be transferred to your pieces, and they will be ready.

Issei: Understood.

I put my hand on the monument and it glowed a little bit
after the monument lit up a bit, I came out of it, what Lord Ajuka pulled out of it, the box inside it was my evil pieces.
The pieces themselves glowed in part with blue-violet colors

 The pieces themselves glowed in part with blue-violet colors

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Issei: Is it them?

Ajuka: I congratulate you, Issei Sparda. Now you are the King of your peerage .

Sirzechs: Keep it up bro... Good job.

Azazel: Well done kid. Now you can create your own peerage . Ajuka, Let me ask. Ordinary pieces of evil reincarnate person into a devil. What can pieces of Issei do?

Ravel: Well done Issei - san.

Kuroka: Oh well... Now our hubby has his own peerage, I hope he will add us.

Le Fay: You're rock Issei.
She put on an innocently cheerful smile.

Ajuka: You have to remember what kind of creature Issei is.And we know that he is half Dragon, half Demon.I personally think that these are the hybrids that those who will be part of the Peerage of Issei will turn into.

Azazel: Hahaha.. And if you take into account that Issei has also become stronger.. Oh God.. I feel sorry for those who will fight against them.

Deciding to interrupt their flight of fantasies, I decided to thank Lord Ajuku.

Issei: Lord Ajuka, thank you.

Ajuka: It's one of the lesser things that the supernatural world owes you, Issei.

After that, I opened the box and saw my pieces of evil. I looked at them and wondered if I should use them.

Sirzechs : You ok Bro?

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