Chapter 7. Zayn? and home trouble

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cassies POV

"hey, what did you need to talk about?" i siad

"oh , um, i know you sadi we are young, but after spending the day with baby el, i reallly think we shouold havea baby" he said with his accednt really showing hwen he said baby.

"nialllll i thought we already talked about this mabey when i at least 19 0r 20" i sadi ragging out his name.

" but thast 2 years!!!" he said pouting

"well ok we will try on my 19 birthday, promise?" i said winking

"ok fine.. i guess that will do" he said in a funny voice.

"or we go try now?" he sadi while winking

"?ok, but no baby making just ,um other stuff"' i siad .

" im in for that he said"

he carried me up the stairs then threw me onto our dinky little bed, wow we need a new house!

Then he just sorta stared at me , with those beautiful eyes. Then he kissed me, i felt those sparks i ahve always felt since the first time he kissed me.

*flash back*

yay its my 13th birthday!! im finally a teen. hopefuly niall will come. ugh i think i am going t tell him about my feelings i have had for him . idk yet...

*ding dong* "heppy, heppy birthday" i heard niall say in the wierdest voice ever, he had a book thing in his hands

He said" here this is your present, open it!"

I opend it and all the pages said i love you cassiebear. Thats the nick name he gave me when i was 9.

"umm, what , why des it say that"? i sadi nervousley because i felt the same way about him.

"i love you, is what is says and its what it means" then he pulled out a ring pop and siad " cassie denise lynn will you be my girlfreind"?

"oh my gosh yes!!" i squealed and then gave him the biggest bear hug ever.

thast were i got my nick name from

Then he leaned in closer and we locked eyes, then he kissed me! OM MY FREAKING GOD HE JUST KISSED ME?? I dont know what to think so i just looked into his eyes,

He was my first kiss, ahh , "i love you too" i siad whil.e kissing him agin

*end of flash back*

he started to kiss my neck, and then the phone rang........

ugh why at all moments would the phne ring now?

But i playfully pushed him off trying to get to yhe phone but he pulled me back tickling me .

"NIALL i have to an shahahhh. i have to answer the phoahaha phone, STOP TICKING ME" i sadi while laughing.

i finally gto up an awsred it


"he was what?? ok we will be there soon.

"niall, get your pants back on, we have to leave"

"oh come on, do yoou realize how hard it is to get skinny jeans off when something like that was going on" he said laughing

"no, we have to go now, zayns in the hospital""  i yelled

"oh shit, ok i will be down stiars in a few.

" ok, but hirry up" i yelled going down the hall.

*at the hospital"

Nialls POV

"whats wrong" niall sadi looking at the doctor.

" he was in a very bad accident, it seems another car was going the wrong way, and he wasnt being smart either." "why weasnt zayn being sm,art" cassie said being sassy. 

"he was writing a lletter to a girl named katy" "oh i know who that is, its zayns best feind" i said

"i better text her"

niall: katie get to the hospital now. zayn was just ina ccar crash

katie: what i will be there in 10 minutes.

niall"ok his room is b45, bye

Katie: ok bye

" ok follow me" the doctor said. he has a really deep voice. he sorta sounds like darth vader

louis and tori, harry and alex are already here, and liam and lisa.

poor zayn, he looks so, so asleep.

" what wrong with him, why is he asleep?" lisa finally said.

"he, he is in a comma , he hit his head pretty hard, but katy im guessiung this is for you." he handed the note to her.

she started crying then liam started crying then i started cryning then cass the lisa and then everyone else joined end.

Katies POV

oh my freaking god i just got a text from niall saying he is in the hospital.

what if he was over thinking about him and perry break up.

because of me

i caused it

i never should have lied to him about her cheating.

perry never did anything....

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