Chapter 17: what happens , happens.......

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* on the way to the hospital*

" niall what if its to early" i said getting nervous.

" people arent aloud to be perfect so god had to do something unperfect" he said smiling at me.

" aw, but im just worried" i said feeling a contraction comming on.

" i will call the boys" niall said searching threw pocket for his phone.

Niall:( talking to harry) hey um well the baby is coming and we are on our way right now

Harry: wow ok i will call everyone else.

niall: ok and meet us outside the hospital in about 15 minutes.\

Harry: will do, i will see you later , and alex says good luck.

Niall: ok bye

" i just called harry and he said he would call the others" niall said.

"alright, and ive been thinking, i dont really like the name briar anymore." i said .

" okay... well what name do you like" niall said reaching for my hand.

" well i like the name paisley or maggie " i said breathing deeply.

i feel another one coming on

" ughhhh,niallll we need to get there NOW" I said in alot of pain.

" okay babe , just keep them in there a little longer, if you can" he said getting out of the car and putting me in the wheel chair.

" hey guys over here" liam said by the door.

" labor came earlier than we expected so we need to hurry" niall said rolling me into the hospital.

he went up to the counter and found me room.

"alright , she said we should go to room 34 B " niall said rolluing me into the elevator.

" if this ends badly just remember i love you niall" i said holding onto his hand.

" i love you too princess" he said smiling at me with his beautiful teeth.

" i wont be calling you that much longer tho, you will be the queen and they will be my princesses" he saoid rubbing my tummy.

" aghhhh niall , i feel another contraction coming" i said as we went through my room door.

niall helped me onto the bed

i little nurse came in, why are they all so small , they need some tough nurses.

" okay miss deep breathng" the little nurse said

" okayyy ugh huh uhg uh, aghhh it still hurts" i said practicly sreaming.

the rest of the boys were in here sitting on the couch.

niall had one hand and alex had the other.

" okay i see the head of  baby number one" the doctor said

birth hurts more than anything i have ever experienced

" guhhhhh" i said pushing one more time

i heard the sound of her crying and felt better already.

The doctor wrapped her up in a pink blanket and gave her to niall

you should have seen his face, he looked so happy , ive never seen him smile this much.

the pain came back

"alrihgt now lets get the other one out" the doctor said neiling back down.

" ughhh" i said pushing

" i cant do it anymore, i cant" i said tired and crying.

" hun i know you can do it, " niall said kissing my forehead.

" ahhhhh" i pushed one last time and i heard her cry.

its such a beautiful sound, good thing harry was recording the whole time i can hear it all the time if i want.

when the doctor laid her on my chest i said " she is so beautiful, which one is she?" i asked niall.

"i think that ones tillie" he said picking her up off my chest while laying the other baby back down on me.

" i think this one is a maggie" i said kissing her nose

" such beautiful names" perrie said.

" can i hold one" liam said.

"sure" i said smiling handing him maggie

"alrihgt now for middle names" niall said getting a piece of paper.

" i think charlotte is what we picked for matilda , well tillie." i said.

Sounds good.

" and what about for maggie" i said .

"what about alice" lisa said.

"love it" me and niall said at the same time.

" so thast settled" the doctor said writing them on the birth certificates.

a/n so i hoped you guys liked it :))

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