chapter 22 - Final chapter

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Cassies Pov.

It was the day niall got to leave the hopsital. The last couple of weeks has been stressful for the both of us. I was kidnapped, Niall was scared to death he would never find me, and so was I. The babies were on my mind a lot to. The media didnt know what to think of our situation. It was causing a big fuss in the fandom. I was at home packing all of our stuff. We were going away for a while to spend time together with the babies , and with each other. 

Tillie is going blind faster than they predicted. one whole eye is coverd in the grey film, changing the color of her eye to a greyish blue. She gets frustrated trying to look at things. They are about 5 months old. Maggie is going to be shy i can tell. They are identical other than tillies eye. Tillie is going to be just like her dad, i can tell. She already laughs at everything louis does, and farts to much! haha. I better leave to go pick up niall.

I carried the babies out to their car seats. Tillie in the pink one with lepord flowers, and maggie in the green one with little rainbows on them. " you ready to go see daddy!" i said to them. They giggled and babbled to each other. I got in and started the car, driving  quickly. I dont like being alone anymore, like without niall. He makes me feel more safe. It started to rain, great. A huge crack of lightning struck, and thunder boomed. The babies started crying, and the rain was getting harder. " shhhh, its okay girls, its just a bit of rain" i said trying to calm them down. They wouldnt stop crying till  Iparked the car. I hurried and got them out, running for the entrance to the hopsital. 

Niall was already at the front desk, checking himself out. Of course the place was mobbed. The fans couldnt even back off for a second, could they? I'm getting really tired of them showing up everywhere. I get they want to meet him, but he needs privacy. He ran over, when he saw us. He took tillie from my arms and snuggled her. He took maggie and did the same, carrying them both in each arm.

We ran back to the car, and we each strapped a baby in. " Ready to go babe?" he said turning on the car. "yeah" i said fiddling with my seat belt. " Are You okay?" He said resting his hand on my thigh. " Yeah, I'm fine, just stressed" " I know baby, everything is going to be okay" he said tightnening his grip on my thigh. 

W e drove for hours to get to the airport. We are going home some Niallls mom and Mymom can see the babies. Me and niall also need some time to spend together. The plain ride was long and ragged on for what seemed days. When we got there niallrented a car and we headed for his moms house. As naill stopped the car, Tillie and Maggs fell asleep. They look so adorable. I got out and got maggie out of her car seat, niall getting tilllie. They have really strong connection. When we came though the door Maura dropped her book and ran over to us, taking maggie from my arms. She cooed with maggs thengave me a hug " It'sso nice to see you darling" she said. " I'm gonna take out stuff upstairs, okay?" niall said kissing hismom and me on the cheek and handing tillie to me. "okay babe" i said. 

" I am just glad your okay" Maura said after me explaining the whole kin'napped situation. " me to" i said walking over to get something to drink. "Um, Maura , would you mind watching the babies while me and niall go out?" " we havent been out in forever" i said. " yeah, sure. i would love to spend da night with my grandbabies"  " thank you so so much" i said giving her a hug.

Nial came back down the stairs, he looked a little worried or something. "is something wrong babe?" i said putting my arms around his neck. " No, everythings alrgiht, I'm just glad you're here with me" He said planting a kiss on my forehead. " well your mom agreen to watch Tills and maggie tonight sowe can rent  hotel or something and go out?" I said. " yeah, sounds great, i need to go get in the shower if so" He said walking down the hall to the bathroom.

" I will be upsatirs" I said walking upstiars to Nialls old room. I can't decide what to wear. I want to look sexy bcasue this is Nial and I's first time going out since the babies were born, but i also dont want to look to revealing becsaue we are at Nialls mothers house.. I will just wear sometihng cute and wea Lingerie underneath. I decided on some dark skinny jeans, and a grey sweater. I straighned my hair. I'm not wearing much make up, just some eyeliner and some mascara. Niall doesn't likw it qhwn i wear alot of make-up. "ready babe?" i hear him call from the kitchen. " yeah, coming" I said running down the stairs.

Holy shit he looks hot. I really like it when he doesn't quiff his hair, and leaves it down. So sexy. I walked over and told the girls bye, playing with their feet. Niall told the girls and his mom bye, and then we walked out to the car. " You look stunning cass" Niall said as I got in the passenger seat. " so don't you Mr. Horan" I said buckling in. " I..." he started to say but trailed off. I won't bother him about it. " So whatt are we going to do tonight?" I said looking at him. " I really don't feel like going out, so we should check out a hotel room" He said figiting with his pockets. " uh, okay" i said looking out the window. 

We finaly got there. I carried our overnight bag in the hotel while Niall checked us in and toook a picture with the manager. He told me what room and i carried our stuff up there. He slowly followed behind messing with his pockets again. I wonder why he is ascting so weird today. " I got it" he siad unlocking the door, holding it open for me. " such a gent" I said smiling at him. 

We have been here for a couple hours, talking and watching movies. I got up to hang my jacket up and grabbed nialls to " WAIT! " he said taking his jacket from me. " I uh, I will get that for you" He siad taking my jacket and hanging it up next to his. " why have you been acting so weird today?" I said as i sat on the couch. " What doyou mean" he siad a little shaky. " You have been acting nevous or worried all day and you mess with your pockets all day and now you won't let me tough your jacket" I said. 

" its just. I've been thniking about our realationship, and its future" he said sitting down beside me holding my hands. I didn't notice I was crying until i felt the tear on my chest. " why are you crying baby?" he said wrapping his strong arms around me. " i thought ... i thought you were meaning you were getting bored of me or something" I sad wipping my eyes. "No,not at all darling" he said pulling a box out of his jacket pocket.

Holt shit, what?! what?! " C..Cassie Will you marry me and make me the happiest irish man on earth?" He said laughing a bit. " oh my gosh!  Yes! Yes! Yes! " i said jumping aorund. " Reallly? I love you so much" He said tackling me with a kiss. " I love you to"

                                                                                 The End

A/n its a corny ending i know but the story was dragging on so i needed to end it. Hope you had fun reading! Love you guys!

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