Welcome Back to Hell, (y/n)

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(y/n) POV

February 20th 2023

It has been 2 months since my time in SAO and I haven't watched any shows on my phone since I came back in fear of it happening again. I let out a small sigh as I sat down on my couch. I turned on some John Wick and looked at my phone. I picked it up.

(y/n): Please don't do this again.

I opened my anime app and started watching Black Lagoon. I was 5 minutes into the show when a blinding flash of light blinded me, it was twice as bright as the last time. Once the light cleared, I was in the streets of a city I recognized in an instant.

(y/n): Roanapur.

Yep, I was in the city of guns, drugs, crime, and mafias.

(y/n): Ah shit, here we go again.

I immediately took stock of my situation and what I had on me. I had my hidden blades on me and I was in one of the most dangerous cities in all of anime. I need a gun to have a chance to survive. I took in my surroundings. I was in an alleyway of this shit hole of a city. I-

Rando 1: Hey kid.

I turned around to find 5 guys walking towards me.

Rando 2: You new around here?

(y/n): You could say.

Rando 3: Well, why don't we show him how this city works?

Rando 1: I like that idea.

They pulled out knives and I just rolled my eyes.

(y/n): I wouldn't recommend doing this.

But, of course, they wouldn't listen. They walked closer to me and I kept very calm but was getting annoyed.

Rando 1: Ready boys?

The first guy walked up to me and looked me directly in the eye and I didn't flinch

Rando 1: *turns around* Look's like we got a tough guy he-

I stabbed him in the back with my hidden blade. He and his friends reacted with shock as I ripped the blade out and slit his throat, spraying blood on the others. I pushed the idiot's body onto the ground as the other 4 watched on in fear.

(y/n): I tried to warn you, buddy.

The other 4 were still watching me, baffled.

Rando 2: How the fuck did this kid kill him?

Rando 3: He's got to be like 17.

Rando 5: But his eyes show that he has no empathy or remorse.

All 4 of them nodded and then rushed towards me. One tried to come up but I dodged back and then stabbed him in the eye with my other hidden blade. One tried to cut my neck but I dodged back, ripping the guy who I stabbed's eye out. I parried the knife with one blade and stabbed him in the heart with the other. The last guy standing ran at me and I parried the knife out of his hand, retracted a hidden blade, grabbed the knife out of mid-air, stabbed him deep in the gut, and dragged it across, gutting him. The last guy looked at me in fear as I ripped the knife out of his friend, a very natural look on my face.

Rando 4: What the fuck!

I walked closer to him, flipping the knife so that the blade was in my hand as he was fiddling around with something inside of his jacket.

Rando 4: Damn you! *pulls out a 1911*

He pulled out the gun and I threw the knife into his shoulder before he could do anything. He fired off a shot that missed me but I picked up on the sound of a bullet hitting metal as I rushed forward. I made it to him, grabbed the gun by the slide, and pushed it forward, not allowing him to fire. I ripped the gun out of his hand and towered over him, the 1911 aimed right at him.

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