Partners Then?

351 13 130

TW: Underage Drinking

No One POV

(y/n): There's a contract out for my head, *scrolls down* and your's too, Mr. Wick.

John: Yeah.

(y/n) was still expecting a shoot-out to happen as he handed the phone back to John. The Lagoon company watched on in tense silence. (y/n) and Wick watched each other closely, the 2 sizing each other up.

Revy: So, now what?

(y/n) and John were still having their tense stare-off as they tried to figure out what the other was going to do. A High Table Mercenary walked up from an alley on their right.

HTM: Mr. (y/n) (l/n), correct?

(y/n): *looks over* Yeah?

HTM: I would like for you and Mr. Wick to come with me.

John was looking at the mercenary now and both he and (y/n) had neutral looks on their faces. Both then looked back at each other with similar looks. Both, in sync, drew out their pistols and shot the mercenary in the head. Both lowered their pistols at the same time and (y/n) looked at John.

(y/n): Partners then?

John: Yeah.

(y/n) looked around and noticed a van from the same alley that the merc came from and he noticed more boots. (y/n) looked at his pistol and noticed that the slide was locked back. He quickly reloaded and cracked his neck. (y/n) heard footsteps coming from the side that The Lagoon Company was standing on and he aimed his 1911 at Revy. She raised up her pistol, ready to shoot.

(y/n): Duck.

Revy looked confused for a second.

(y/n): Duck!

She quickly understood and ducked down. (y/n) shot the merc that was sneaking up on The Lagoon Company in the head, killing him. (y/n) turned his head towards the alley side that the van was on when more mercs came out from and behind the van. He walked towards them with his pistol ready. One rushed towards him and he just shot him with ease. The others rushed him and (y/n) started fighting them.

Rock: Shouldn't we help him?

John: No. I think he can handle himself.

Revy: Yeah. That kid, he's been through things and he's not scared or afraid of killing.

(y/n) starts shooting the mercs. He kills 6 more of them with ease before the slide of his 1911 locked back. (y/n) flicked threw the 1911 at one mercs head, stunning said merc. The 1911 bounced back and (y/n) grabbed it before shooting the stunned merc.

 The 1911 bounced back and (y/n) grabbed it before shooting the stunned merc

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(y/n) quickly shot 6 more dead before his final mag ran out. (y/n) then smacked the guy closest to him with his 1911.

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