Chap. 3: Strange Surroundings.

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SD-U followed them..

They passed by a crystal cave, the "Shork" pools, a odd blue force field.. 

A cafeteria.. and..-

[MERSADA]:"Now watch ya step! There's big gaps in the wood planks."

[LANDER]: "I wonder why they built a connection to the other side but so horribly?.."

She  soon crossed the wood planks, letting out a sigh of relief.

Then, Mersada and Lander seemed to stop walking. 

[MERSADA]: "Lander, do we really have to be in Feris office?!"

[SD-U]: "Uh, Whose Feri?'

Mersada gave a slightly annoyed blank stare before saying anything.

[MERSADA]: "You'll see soon."

Then, ahead of them were three more people.

A odd gray wolf thingy with long gray hair and a fedora.

A cat, fox?, thingy with a scar on their nose wearing a hazmat.

And last of the bunch in front of them was an odd reptile looking thingy that had redish-pink crystals with a mane like hair on the back of their head.

They were all looking down at some papers, talking about something until they all stared at the other three.

[FERI]: "Oh, Hello Lander." "And.."

Feri paused on her words turning her gaze at Mersada and glaring at her until looking behind Lander.

Which was SD-U.

[FERI]: "Who's that behind you Lander. I haven't seen them before."

Feris tone was serious and neutral. They looked at SD-U with a confused face, then seemed to do a sort of glare at her.

[LANDER]: "Oi well, it's someone we found and they needed our help! We wanted to see if you could also help them!"

Feri looked back down at the table, troubled. Before returning to a serious face and looking back up at Lander and SD-U.

[FERI]: "You, behind Lander. What's your name?"

[SD-U]: "My names U!"

[FERI]: "Mhm."

[FERI]: "What do you need help with."

[SD-U]: "Well.." "I put on some strange necklace thingy and woke up here like this!.."

Feri became confused.

[FERI]: "So you're saying you're not from this place?"

[SD-U]: "I guess.."

Feri went back to a straight face.

[FERI]: "I can't help you. You'll just have to get used to being in this place."

SD-U did a slight shout.

[SD-U]: "But I need to go back home!-"

[FERI]: "I don't need to deal with you right now. Lander just show her around this place."

[FERI]: "And you.."

Feri turned her gaze towards Mersada.

[FERI]: "Get that other one out of here."

Mersada also glared at Feri, snarling.

[LANDER]: "Ok! See ya Feri!"

[FERI]: "Bye."

[FERI]: "Wait."

Lander turned around, so did the others.

[FERI]: "Hazter, Soll, introduce yourself." "But then come back here. We have important work." 

SD-U was wondering what this "Important work" was, but then faced Soll and Hazter.

[SOLL]: "My names Soll."

Soll had a thick Russian accent, but seemed to speak English quite well.

[HAZTER]: "My names Hazter!"

Hazter seemed to be a bit less serious, but somewhere in his eyes he seemed a bit sad. But nows not the time to ask questions.

[SOLL]: "We said our names. Let's go back."

[HAZTER]: "Aight."

They quickly turned away, closing the big door.

Leaving SD-U, Lander, And Mersada to go somewhere else.

[MERSADA]: "I hate that good-for-nothin' Feri!"

[LANDER]: "Oi, don't call her that!!"

[MERSADA]: "And what are ya gonna do if I do?!"

Lander stared at Mersadas smug smile, with a glare.

Until turning to face the horribly built wooden bridge.

[LANDER]: "Let's just go.."

(END OF CHAP. 3) (btw Mersada has a country accent and Lander has an Australian accent.)

(Let's see what's gonna happen in chap 4😱)

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