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"Yeon-Jin you should be scared if I where you"Year:2004

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"Yeon-Jin you should be scared if I where you"

Park Yenji sat in the over flowed bathtub as the water around her turned a dark crimson color, her clothes stained with the red color as the girl sat there as people banged on the door hoping the girl would answer. Her unconscious body was still as the razor floated in the water. The door openeed as the police and doctors ran to the girl in the tub, an older woman yelled as the man next to her brought her to a hug. The girl next to them looked unbothered as the girl who was floating in the water was brought out of the bathroom.

Yenji opened her eyes as the bright light of the room flooded her vision. She tried to sit up, but a hand stopped her. Yenji looked over to see her sister Yeon-Jin looking at her with an evil look the look she was before she fell unconscious.

"You keep your fucking mouth shut when the police or anyone asks you questions, or I will make sure you never wake up" Yeon-Jin threatened and Yenji looked at her a deep hatred in her eyes before Yeon-Jin hit her head "fix your eyes" she watched her sister back up when the door to the hospital room opened. Yenji saw her mother and Yeon-Jin's father, the older woman looked at her daughter with disgust.

"How can you be so selfish to kill yourself" Yeong-ae said as she looked at the girl. "You wanted to be center of attention" Yenji didn't answer and just looked straight ahead, she really didn't want to hear any of this from anyone she wished she did die. Yenji hated hospitals it made her feel sad; she hated how people next her were probably dying and how she could hear the cries of mothers who lost their child. Yenji and Yeon-Jin had different dads, the two girls were two years apart.

Yeong-ae had an affair with Yenji's dad and won custody of her when she was five so the girl could never see or even get in touch with him. Yenji always felt out of place in her family, Yeon-Jin would bully her, her mother didn't care about her, and her stepdad would call her a basterd baby. Yenji had one friend Moon Dong-Eun, a girl with short hair who was too shy for the world. It had been an hour since her "family" left the hospital, and the girl was still staring at the blank hospital wall when the door opened once again.

"Yenji" she looked over to see Dong-Eun with a bag in her hand and Yenji eyes who looked so dead and tired lit up in happiness.

"Dong-Eun" Yenji smiled at the who hugged her. Dong-Eun was the only person Yenji trusted; she could never hate Dong-Eun. "What are you doing here?"

"The real question is why your here" Dong-Eun asked and the younger girl let a tear fall as she looked up at her best friend.

"I'm so sorry Dong-Eun I didn't mean to I'm just so tired, i just want to be at peace." Yenji said and Dong-Eun wiped the tears that streamed down the youngers face. "I don't want to feel-" The girl was cut off by a tight embrace. All Dong-Eun could hear was the sobs of her best friend whom she couldn't save, how would she save her she wasn't rich she barley had a place to stay.

"Dong-Eun" After a while the two of them were sitting on the hospital bed eating the chocolate Dong-Eun had brought "Lets run away" Dong-Eun looked at her and Yenji smiled "Let's go far away like to Canda let's get out of South Korea."

Dong-Eun eyes looked into the girls "With what money Yenji" and Yenji smile got bigger.

"I can steal from them, and we can leave once I'm discharged" Yenji grabbed Dong-Eun's hand and held it tightly and firmly. "We can live in an apartment somewhere and I'll be a daycare worker and you can do what you want and if we can't find anyone to marry, we will just marry each other instead." Dong-Eun looked at her and smiled liking the idea that Yenji came up with and thought for a moment before nodding.

"Okay once your discharged we will leave and live a happy life together" Dong-Eun said as Yenji laid her head on Dong-Eun's shoulder.

"I love you Dong-Eun" Yenji said

"I love you too Yenji" Dong-Eun replied.

The two didn't know that they would never see each other again and that they would never be able to complete their plan. Dong-Eun came to the hospital a week later and found out that the younger girl had been discharged for almost 2 days. Dong-Eun ran to her home calling the girls mobile phone, she knocked on the door of the big house, and a woman opened the door a smug look on her face.

"Can i help you" The woman said.

"Is Park Yenji here" Dong-Eun said and the woman looked at her.

"Oh, I'm sorry there is no one of that name here maybe you have the wrong house." The woman said and Dong-Eun knew what Yenji mothers face looked like and knew this was her home.

"Your daughter" Dong-Eun asked.

"i only have one child which is my daughter Yeon-Jin" The older woman said. as Dong-Eun bowed the woman and walked away hearing the door slam behind her. Dong-Eun was confused she had just seen the younger girl not too long ago and now she doesn't exist to her family.

The girl screamed as the needle went into her arm,She looked at the woman her mother who was next to her. Tears welled up into the girls eyes as she strated to get dizzy.

"send her to America to the mental asylum they already know she's coming" Yeong-ae said as

"Momma please don't send me away I beg I'm sorry I won't do it again" Yeji pleaded her eyes started to close "I'm so sorry mommy"

That was the last thing Yeong-ae heard before her daughter was out cold she just looked at her as a single tear fell from her eye,wiping it and walking away from the scene as the men took Yeji away.

Yeji would wake up in a room that was white and a tiny desk in the corner. Yeji hated her family,she looked at the blank wall as she fiddled with her hands planning her revenge on her family.



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