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"Yeon-jin I see your doing well love it while it last"Year: 2022

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"Yeon-jin I see your doing well love it while it last"
Year: 2022

She walked towards the door of a house and knocked on the door,waiting for someone to come to the door. A young woman who assumed was the maid opened the door and the woman smiled at her.

"Hi is Park Yeon-jin here" she said her voice laced with sweet venom as she sickly smiled.

"May I ask who you are" the maid asked and the other woman just continued to smile

"I'm Park Na-ra an old high school friend" Na-ra said and the maid nodded and let her in. Na-ra didn't bother taking her heels off why would she.

"You can wait here while I'll go get her" the maid said as she walked off. Na-ra looked around the living room,white couches. Na-ra chuckled to her self as she looked over to the side table next to the couch and saw a portrait of a family a women and man and a child and Na-ra smiled as she made a mental note. Looking at her sisters smiling face in the picture,there was so much hatred in Na-ra's eyes as she looked at the picture.

"Enjoy your life sister it will be over soon" Na-ra thought as she put the picture down and turned at the sound of footsteps. She turned as saw an older woman walking to her but stopping once she saw Na-ra. The woman quickly shoo the maid away.

Once Na-ra knew that the maid was away she took off her sunglasses and smiled. "Hi sister"Yeon-jin looked at Na-ra "long time no see"

"Yenji" and Na-ra just smiled

"By the way it's Na-ra it was about time I get rid of that god awful name right" Na-ra said as she remembered her sisters words when they were younger "you looked stunned didn't expect to see me this way did you" Na-ra chuckled as Yeon-jin said nothing and just looked at her. "Don't be surprised you knew id be back it was just a matter of when."

"Don't you know how to take your shoes off when you enter someone's house or are those American customs taking over" Yeon-jin finally said "it's disrespectful"

"You would know what disrespect is wouldnt you,but I only came to stop by and say hello" Na-ra said as she turned to leave but turned around again "congratulations on the wedding kinda sad I wasn't invited and the baby she's pretty" with that she left and Yeon-jin watched her before picking up her phone and dialing a number.

Na-ra kept her eyes on the house as an older women exited out of a car. Exiting the car and walking towards her.

"Mother I'm back" Na-ra said as the older woman turned around and gasped and Na-ra mocked her.

"Yenji" her mother said as Na-ra rolled her eyes

"It's Na-ra mom not Yenji you would know that if you read the letters and or visited me but you did neither so how would you know" Na-ra watched her mothers face fall as she continues to smile.

"How are-" Yeong-ae stuttered before Na-ra cut her off

"How I'm here thats the thing mother they let me go a year ago but i was trying to get back up and lived there waiting for you to come get me  my time was up" Na-ra said as Yeong-ae stood in shock as a another person walked beside Yeong-ae a man.

"Honey who is the beautiful young lady with a beautiful smile." He said making Na-ra's smile drop and shift her body.

"Honey this is Na-ra our daughter" Yeong-ae said as her husband eyes went wide.

"I thought we killed her what happened" the man whispered to the older woman "you were supposed to get rid of her"

Na-ra watched the entire thing play out and her eyes went dark as she watched them whisper.

"Alright mother I should go I've already talked to Yeon-Jin I have much better things to do then being here so I'll talk to you later." And with that she walked off to a car parked on the street. Yeong-ae watched her and fell to the ground.

Na-ra checked her phone as she sat in her car before getting out and walking into a park watching people walk and play a game of go. She walked far into the park not noticing the person she was gonna bump into.

"I'm sorry" Na-Ra said as she looked at the person she looked up to see a woman a little older than her with short dark hair and Na-ra just looked at her. The woman looked back at her and her eyes softened,as Nara stared at her.

"Yenji" the voice said

"Dong-eun" Na-ra asked

"Dong-eun" Na-ra asked

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