They walk upstairs into Stu's parents' room and sit down. Billy had a smile on his face it was a light smile one that you would give someone if you weren't happy, but Scarlett shrugged it off.
"Scar I hope you realize..." Billy stops making Scarletts face light up with terror. he was gonna tell her that what happened was never going to happen again. She looks down before looking back up a Billy
"I'm not just doing this with you to get back at Sidney...Because I would never do that... I'm doing it because I love you" That sentance brought a smile to her face. "I have loved you since the day we met and I haven't stopped loving you"
Scarlett smiled before laughing and sitting on top of Billys lap he rubbed his hands up and down her back as she sat there. "Keep telling me how much you love me" She says with a proud smile "I love you so much and I am so glad that I finally get to tell you." he says
Billy places a light kiss on Scarletts neck before pulling away again "I don't want to be selfish with you." Scarlett looks at him shaking her head "I want to tell you everything and I don't want you to hate me. So I want to start the relationship with honesty. No secrets."
Scarlett looks at him running her fingers through his head "Hey I would never hate you." Scarlett looks down "If we are starting off with honesty then I have to tell you that... Stu and I slept together..." Billy shakes his head
Scarlett looks at him confused "I know" he says Scarlett lets out a laugh placing a kiss on Billys lips. She knew she wanted to say something else but she couldn't quite think of what it was. She pulls away again remembering what is was
"I think in some weird analytical, psychological bullshit way I'm scared I'm gonna turn out just like her, you know? Like the bad seed or something.." Billy looks at her "Like who?" He asked "My mom." Scarlett looks down
"I knew my mom was sleeping around with many different people and I just don't want to end up like her you know." Scarlett shakes her head "Oh Scarlett." Billy said "Every time I get close to you and Stu I see...her" Billy rubs her back again "I know it doesn't make sense"
"Sure it does. It's like Jodie Foster in Silence of The Lambs when she kept having flashbacks of her dead father." Scarlett shakes her head letting out a small laugh.
"You watch too many movies." She says, "And this is life... not a movie" Scarlett says "Sure it is Scar. Life is just one big movie. except you can't pick the genre. if you do it probably be romance. And plus, you will never be your mother" Scarlett let out another laugh pulling Billy into a hug
She lets out a sigh "I want to let go I do..." Billy breaths in her ear "Shh.. its okay." He says rubbing his hands around her back "Why can't I be like a Meg Ryan movie?" She asked with a small laugh
"Shhh. Its okay baby" Scarlett felt butterflies at the name "Or even a good porno" She said in a whisper. Billy pauses looking at her "What?" he asked She pulls away with a smile "You heard me" She says standing up
"Again? I mean you were pretty good last time." He says with a smile on his face. She shakes her head turning around for him to unzip her dress. He does after it was unzipped her grabs her turning her around and kissing her everywhere he could
She let out a laugh as she laid back on the bed "I love you." She says with a smile on her face. Billy smiles back at her kissing her lips and moving toward her neck.
Sidney was sitting next to Stu looking around for Tatum who still hasn't come back. "Aren't you worried?" She asked Stu "About Scarlett and Billy no of course not." He says watching the movie. "No I mean about Tatum. She hasn't come back." Sidney says

Your Losing Me// B.L, S.M, & M.K
HorrorScarlett Prescott, the daughter of Marine and Neil Prescott. Twin sister of Sidney Prescott. She has lived in Woodsboro her whole life. One day, Scarlett walked into her mother's room, trying to talk to her one night, and she saw her mother dead on...