Scarlett was standing next to her sister as they were watching all of the people around them party walking around with red solo cups in their hands. Scarlett didn't want to be there everyone could tell, Hallie walks over wrapping her arm around Scarlett and pulling her into a side hug.
Scarlett smiles leaning her head into Hallie. "See, party life can be good. This is safe, and fun." Hallie says Scarlett rolls her eyes shaking her head. "Hallie, I think your psych major is getting to your head. I'm fine." Scarlett says. Hallie looks to Sidney who was looking around
"You know that's beginning to become your theme song. I'm fine. Yeah, neurotic, insecure, and fucked up." Scarlett shakes her head again holding the cup of water in her hands "Sidney, Scarlett, you made it!" Scarlett looks up from the floor at Lois
"Hi!!!!" Scarlett raises her eyebrows at Murphy confused "No, I really mean that, hi!" Scarlett returns the smile "Hi." Sidney says "Do you girls want a drink?" Murphy asks Scarlett raises her cup showing her she already has water.
"Yeah, but you know what, we'll get it." Hallie says grabbing Sidney and Scarlett's arms and pulling them towards the house. After a while of Scarlett looking around aimlessly for Mickey she was finally brought back into the conversation.
"You see, Sidney. Alot of people think that sororities are all about giving blowjobs but it's not true." Scarlett and Sidney look at each other before laughing a bit "No, we only promote safe, condom sex." Scarlett felt as though this conversation was targeted.
Sidney looks at her sister before looking back towards Murphy. "It's really about family and tradition. Harmonica style is okay." Scarlett puts on a fake smile placing her hands on her baby belly. She can feel as her little girl kicks. "Here are your martini's." Randy says walking over with many drinks.
Scarlett smiles looking at Randy. "And A glass of water for mama." Scarlett smiles rolling her eyes. "Thanks Randy." She says as Randy wraps his arm around her shoulders. "About time. Yeah, well, you guys have given me a lot to think about. Thanks." Sid says looking towards her sister and Randy.
Sidney walks away to Derek, Dragging Scarlett and Randy along. Leaving Murphy and Lois totally clueless. "Hey babe, wanna dance?" Mickey asks Scarlett. Scarlett shakes her head a little bit as Mickey grabs her hand spinning her around.
Scarlett laughs Mickey pulls Scarlett into him looking back at Randy, keeping up their debate that they had going. "The Empire Strikes Back. Better story, improved effects." Scarlett looks up at Mickey before looking back at Randy.
"Not a sequel, part of a original planned trilogy." Randy says pointing his finger towards Mickey. Mickey puts his hands on Scar's belly "Yeah, I like those little furry things." Hallie says. Scarlett and Sidney laugh at Hallie. "The Ewoks, they blow." Mickey says rocking him and Scarlett back and forth.
"Hey, so are they being nice to you?" Derek asks Sidney and Scarlett. Scarlett shakes her head "Painfully nice." Sidney says Scarlett couldn't agree more, except for the comments about safe sex that she should have listened to when her and Billy had slept together.
"I figure you two won't be joining with the Delta-Lambda-Zetas." Scarlett wasn't planning on it in the beginning She just wanted Hallie to shut up about it. There are sirens in the background that makes Scarlett jump Mickey looks down at her for a moment confused.
"Hey guys, something is up at Omega Beta Zeta, police are everywhere!" Lois says running over Scarlett looks around at her friends confused. All of the party guests begin to run out. Scarlett turns towards Mickey was rubbing his hand lightly on her back.
She knows exactly what is going on. Her heart is beating so fast as she stands next to her boyfriend. "Come on babe." Mickey says putting his arm over her shoulder Scarlett looks towards him "Lets get you home." Scarlett shakes her head looking towards Derek and her sister.

Your Losing Me// B.L, S.M, & M.K
TerrorScarlett Prescott, the daughter of Marine and Neil Prescott. Twin sister of Sidney Prescott. She has lived in Woodsboro her whole life. One day, Scarlett walked into her mother's room, trying to talk to her one night, and she saw her mother dead on...