Raiden x waitress fem reader

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You had been working at the tea house for a few months now, after your father insisted you find new work outside of the family business. You honestly should have seen it coming. It was well known in the village of Fenjian that you were the unluckiest person to walk the face of the earth.

You had nearly driven your family's rice farm into bankruptcy after accidentally tipping off a cart down a hill that crashed into your season's silo and allowed the entire harvest to be eaten by mold. To make things worse it was anything but your first offense. You had worn a new scarf your mother had made for the new year. Unfortunately, this scarf was very long, and very flammable. The fire nearly destroyed three people's houses that year. The final straw for your father had been when you had gone into town with your sister to chaperone her and her betrothed. Well... previously betrothed.

The two had insisted on walking one of Fengian's few gardens privately without you present for a few minutes. You had insisted that your father would not want the two to be together unsupervised, but promised to give them some time alone and watch them from afar. However, upon entering the garden and leaving to watch them from atop a hill. You attempted to pick a plum from one of the trees. This backfired when the tree turned out to be half rotted, and upon jumping and pulling. The tree knocked down and rolled down the hill, hitting your sisters engaged. His family was outraged, he was hospitalized for months, and they called off the engagement.

This string of bad luck has earned you a less than favorable reputation in Fengjian. Madam Bo had been the only one in the village who was willing to take you in. Claiming that, "wild women are often too much for small minded people". While you don't think she would lie, you don't doubt that the fact she could have you work without pay played a role. Though she likely regretted her decision when she had to pay for all the plates you broke.

Kung Lao sighed at his friend, this had been the fourth night in a row they had gone to Madam Bo's for dinner. Usually, they preferred to go once a month, due to her high prices. But lately Raiden had been dragging him out. On one hand, he shouldn't be so upset about it, after all, Raiden was the one paying. But on the other hand, it was painful to watch his friend swoon at one of the waitresses, never actually doing anything to woo her.

"Again? Is your wallet ok?" Raiden only smiled as they entered the tea house, "If my wallet is feeling any discomfort, it's only because you insist on eating the entire menu every time we come". "Ah, Raiden, Kung Lao, welcome back" you said, almost stumbling over, hair a mess and visibly ruffled.

Kung Lao groaned at the sickening sweetness of Raiden, "Thank you, we are gratuitous for your hospitality". Sitting in their usual spots, it was obvious Raiden was distracted. "I'll make you some tea," Raiden watched as you walked away, never once looking away, until Kung Lao caught his attention "Well, that was embarrassing".

"What?" Raiden asked obliviously. "This" he gestured to him, "You. For the last four nights we've been coming here. And for the last four nights, you've done nothing". "I hardly consider–" a loud crash sounded as the teahouse's attention was drawn to you on the ground clutching your hand. Raiden was quick to run over, "Are you alright?". "Ah, no. I spilled some of the hot water and dropped the pot. Madam Bo is going to kill me" you said as he helped you to your feet. "I'll handle Madam Bo. Let's get you some ice for that burn".

"Really Raiden, it is unnecessary," you insist as he pulls you to the counter making you sit down, "Your health comes first, and Madam Bo would agree with me". "Agree with what?" as if her name was spoken thrice, she appeared from the back room, the faint smell of nicotine telling you she had been on her smoke break. "Ay, not again" you winced at her scolding. "I swear you will be the death of me" she said, walking behind the counter and scooping a handful of ice into a rag to make an ice pack. "I'm sorry Madam Bo, I'll work off the price of the pot–" Raiden interjected, "I'll cover the price of the pot, Madam Bo".

You looked stunned at Raiden, "No! I couldn't possibly have you do that for me". "Please, it's the least I can do–" Madam Bo held up her hand to cut both of you off. "Neither of you will be paying. It was an accident, one that left you injured, I might add. I would not make you pay for that more than you already have, my dear. And you" she turned to Raiden, "You have made me proud. Taking care of her is no easy feat. I can tell you that much". Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment as she side eyed you, "Go dress your wound and finish your shift early". "Thank you Madam Bo" you gave a small bow before rushing off to finish waiting for your last tables.

"You know, you would spend less money on others belongings if you actually spoke with her" Raiden raised a brow in confusion. "She'd break more of YOUR plates if you would actually make any moves on her" Raiden's mouth opened and closed as he looked for words, "I.. I don't know what you're talking about". Madam Bo only rolled her eyes before choosing to lean against the counter next to Kung Lao and light a new cigarette. "You know those are bad for you, right?", "You want to stay my favorite? Stop talking".

Finishing the two of their meals, Raiden laughed as Kung Lao palmed his sore and overstuffed stomach, "You were hungry". Kung Lao only groaned in discomfort, letting out an obnoxious belch. The sound of the check being laid onto the table drew Radien's attention to you smiling down at him.

Thank you"" Raiden said with a smile, grabbing the check. But looking down at it only had the words, 'My shift ends in ten minutes'. Looking up, you were already gone, leaving Raiden stuck with a starstruck expression, jaw dragging the floor. Standing, and leaving him alone with the bill, Kung Lao walked over to the smoking Madam Bo and reluctantly handed over a number of bills.

Raiden could care less. He had a date. 

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