Titan Fujin x Gender Neutral Titan Reader

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Defeating Kronika had been your most difficult battle yet. Free to reshape time in whatever image you desired was daunting at first. But after millennia of careful craftsmanship, you were content with your creation. Your perfect little Garden.

Diligently you plucked the weeds from your garden; Shang Tsung and Quan Chi to name a few. You clipped every stray leaf that defiled your neatly kept hedges; Shao khan and Rain. And in your diligence you found peace.



You never knew peace. You spent every lonely second awake and hovering over your timeline, paranoid and possessive over the last bit of control you had over your life. You had never wanted this, to be a keeper of time. But what choice did you have, Kronika had damaged your timeline far too much to be without a time god. And there was certainly no one you could trust with the hourglass.

Except... Your Fujin. Oh how you longed for him, how your soul yearned for its other half. The one who softened your strict and cold nature.Who were you kidding, you weren't tending a garden. You were wardening a prison. Holding your subjects to a script and removing any that dared to say as much as a line wrong. Without free will your timeline was miserable, and so was its keeper.

You spent the first thousand years attempting to recreate your Fujin. But how could you? How could you ever fall in love with a cheap imitation? No matter how hard you tried, your creations couldn't act like him, not as accurately as you knew he would. And the ones that did... you could only see for the copy they were. Attempt after attempt you failed, growing colder and returning to your previous self.

Today you stand in your temple, staring loathfully at the hourglass you were so ruthlessly tasked to guard, in the timeline you were forced to steward. The glass reflected your sour grimace, taunting you for all your shortcomings. You debate with yourself, unknowing of what to do next. Should you continue this unfair timeline of tyranny and absolution? You could always restart the timeline with a.... Gentler touch, if you were even capable of that. But wouldn't that make you just as bad as Kronika. Destroying and restarting the timeline whenever you see fit regardless of what your mortals thought.

By the elder gods, you weren't cut out for this. Here you are, a time god, the primordial titan with more power than any other in the world, sulking on the steps of your own temple and praying to gods you created purely from a habit formed millennia ago. Perhaps you should have given the hourglass to someone else. Fujin would make a far more suitable time keeper. Had he not disappeared before your battle with Kronika you would have.

Just another reason to curse the mad titan you suppose. The hourglass began to rattle, sand reversing its flow as particles soared through the glass without shattering. Standing to attention you attempted to force it back in, to no avail. The golden flakes grappled themselves to your hands and arms, before painlessly taking bits of you back with them into the hourglass, "What is this?!". The barrage of gold and lights spread up your arms, eating away at you and pulling more and more into the hourglass, until it spread to your neck. Your vision goes blank when you feel your physical form dissipate, being dragged who knows where.

But just as quickly as it happened, your vision returned.... Somewhere new. You know this place, you had spent day after day here much to Lord Raiden's disapproval, basking in his brother's presence. The sky temple, it was different, however, a large silver and blue hourglass similar to your own in front of you. Looking at your surroundings was when your heart stopped, there in front of you was a Fujin. "What is this? Where am I?" you demanded.

"You are safe, my heart" he held up his hands to calm you as he approached. Your chest panged at hearing his name for you after so long. But you dared not hope, you would not tempt yourself with another cheap imitation. "We are in the sky temple. In my timeline " he explained, stopping when he noticed your stiffness and unease, "Your timeline?".

"The battle for Kronika's hourglass has fractured time. Where there was once one timeline there are now many. In your timeline, you defeated Kronika, in mine, it was me. Every one of us has defeated Kronika and in turn created our own timeline". Multiple timelines? Of course, that's how he was able to pull you through your hourglass, he's a timekeeper. But if he was a keeper of time, then that would mean that he was... your Fujin.

He watched as your guard drops and your face softens, piecing together the truth of what he was trying to say. "Then.. that would mean.. That you're?-" He closed the gap between the two of you, "It is me, my heart". His hand held your face as he looked down at you with all the adoration you had missed from so long ago, "I wanted to give you the hourglass, but you were gone. Where were you?".

"Kronika confined me to a prison with Shang Tsung and Nightwolf, fearing our interference. Do not dwell on the past, we are here now, and I will never leave your side again". You hard slowly cupped over his, "Promise?". Fujin smiled, pressing his head against yours as you looked in each other's eyes. "For as long as my heart beats, it shall do so only for you. And so long as you permit me, I will never leave your side".

You were never good at tending gardens, but that was ok. You were never a fan of them anyways.

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