Flames in chains

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"You know.. You're cute when you're silent." Sabo smirked at Law, and in petty retaliation Law pushed Sabo off his lap, hitting the carpeted, dirty floor with a hard thump, sending an endless amount of dust particles into the air.


"Hey! That hurt!" Sabo laughed, as a small smile formed on Law's lips.

"I guess emo's can smile after all." Sabo teased as he narrowly dodged a pillow that was aimed at his head.

"Tch. Why did Doflamingo even want me to marry you?!" Law grumply complained.

"Because I'm charming and my biological family is related to some lower ranking celestial dragons... among other things."

"Among other things? Does it have to do with you and your brother being hot heads? Or does he know about your connections in the rebellion?"

"Both I presume. He specifically asked for my hand in the marriage. It wouldn't surprise me if he knows everything and us getting married was just a subplot in one of his schemes. I personally believe you also hold a greater role in his plans than you might realise. He's also the reason Mine and Ace's parents found us again. He set the whole thing up." Sabo admitted sitting on the carpeted floor with his back pressed against the bed facing Law.

"I have an idea why Doflamingo may have wanted me to marry you instead of one of my siblings. My first parents died due to the amber disease, of course that was only the cover up for the massacre that occurred. Besides the point, I escaped and Doflamingo's brother ... Donquixote Rosinante saved me... After he died Doflamingo adopted me due to the relationship with his brother and he believed I was a key of sorts." Law fidgeted with a hidden ring on his index finger.

"I don't believe in pity, and to me it is the worst thing someone can give another in a time of death, so my condolences for your losses and thank you for trusting me with this information." Sabo sincerely said.

"So... any guesses to what his plans might be?" Law asked.

"Well you could have always just asked me. Fufufu." A laugh so haunting, so cruel filled the room. As a towering figure entered the room. Law flinched and straightened as the booming laugh echoed in the room and the haunting words echoed in his head.

"Ahhh. Sabo. Sabo Sabo. I let you get engaged to my favourite child and you kidnap him." Doflamingo sighs.

"And I had such high hopes for you." Doflamingo mocked, tuting as he did so.

"Even on Law's first escape attempt he got further than you. Though I can never pinpoint the reason why Law runs away."

Law feels like his anger was about to explode like a volcano.

"Hey! Mingo is here" Sabo smiles with disgust. "What brings you to our humble, dusty abode?"

"Mingo?" Law says quietly.

"That's what Luffy calls him so we just call him that as well" Sabo explains.

"I would find this rather amusing if I wasn't already so pissed off. You both are coming with me and Law, I have been so kind to you by not punishing you for your actions but this is the final straw" Doflamingo nods his head and 5 members of his crew come out from behind him reaching out to detain Law and Sabo. Sabo readies his fighting stance similar to the one Ace did. His hand reaches behind his back as he locks eyes with Law. Law looks down and finds his feet still tied to the chair. The 5 rugged members pounce and try to grab Law when a thick silver metal pole slams down and pushes them away.

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