Family ties

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"Oi!!!! Law!!!!" A high pitch voice called as a raven haired lady wearing a slim waist, puffy purple dress came into view, riding what could only be described as a elephant sized human, rolling down the small lush green hill towards them. As the ground shook with effort at the tremors that elephant of a human was making. A ghostly smile haunted Law's lips.


"You really are emo. Not even being able to smile at family." Sabo tuted.

"He soooo is!" The raven hair female exclaimed.

"Oh! I'm baby 5 by the way! I'm Law's older sister! Welcome to the family!" She cheered like a sing-song.

"Older sister! You look younger than him! But in all honesty someone on their deathbed would be more alive than him!" Sabo jokes.

"Hahaha! I know right. He's always moping and grumpy! By any chance do you have any brothers?"

"Yeah two! Both are younger than me! Ace, and Luffy! I'm the oldest. Why?" Sabo asked

"Damn that's too bad. I was looking for someone older. Oh yeah! Cause I'm looking for a husband! Since you're taken I can't ask you but if your brothers were older than you I'd snatch them right up!" Baby 5 declared.

Sabo chuckled at her response but didn't like the fact that she wanted to 'snatch them right up'. "How many siblings do you have?"

"I have no idea there are so many!" Baby 5 smiled wide while Sabo had a confused look. "My crew are my siblings! So many people join everyday so I can't always keep track. Don't tell everyone that though cause I pride myself on knowing everyone here" Baby 5 winks.

"I'll keep it between us" Sabo winks back.

Law stands in the same position quietly watching the two interact when his older sister looks over at him and suddenly remembers he's here.

"Ah yes, Law, you're here. Did you show your husband-to-be your room? He will be staying there with you in like... 2 more days." Baby 5 giggles then apologises to Sabo for marrying the emo prince.

Law growls quietly "I'm not an emo prince"

"Yes you are" Baby 5 whispers back then waves goodbye.

Sabo laughs out loud and it is music to Law's ears, he just doesn't know it yet.

Law walks off with Sabo following slowly behind with a massive grin that Law would love to rip off.

"I would like to see your room. Since I will be sleeping there."

"I'm heading there now so if you'll just have some patience" Law spits back.

"I have plenty of patience. I need patience if I want to survive with Ace and Luffy as my brothers." Sabo says that as a joke at first but then goes quiet smiling softly as he thinks about all the memories he has with his brothers. They walked quietly together until they reached a large, thick wooden door. Opening it wide they find his room is a mess and two people looking through Laws stuff.

"Who the hell are you?" Law screams, his hands forming a fist.

Sabo stood behind Law trying to push his way to the front so that he could see what was going on. The two figures just stood blinking slowly at Law when the youngest jumped up and swung his fists in front of him. The oldest ready's his fighting stance screaming and demanding the release of his brother.

"Ace! Luffy! You're here! Calm down this is Law a... new friend" Sabo walks out in front blocking Ace from getting to Law. "How did you guys get out?" Sabo moves and gives his brothers a big hug. Luffy stretches his arms and wraps them around both Ace and Sabo. Luffy looks at Law with a smile of a devil, as he extends his arm and slaps him so hard he falls unconscious.

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