Part One

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I'm 17, no where to go. I don't have a family. My mom is dead, no clue where my father is or who he is. All I know is that my life pretty much sucks. No where to run since I've been everywhere in the States. No house, no real food, not even enough time for myself. Only child, my mom was depressed and didn't pull herself off the ground and brush herself off after my 'dad'. Like that mattered. I left my life behind to do this. Still no one knows what to call me, how to contact me.

My mom was a hunter. Not like deer hunting, hell no. Like supernatural hunting. Killing whatever came in our way. Making sure that I didn't get hurt in the process. I learned from her, took after her when she got drunk. She said that my father did this to her, that I was the biggest mistake of her life but only when she got drunk enough.

That one hunt that I didn't want to go one since I was sick. The one that got her killed. She could have used me, I should have been with her. Not letting her go alone. I knew better, yet still I let her go because I thought I would get better and come meet up with her. I thought that she would call me if she needed me. She didn't, I wasn't worried. Until I got a strange visit from an Angel.

"You should know that she's gone." he wore a tan long coat, his hair short and black, he wore a blue tie.

"I should have gone with her." I said. I got this visit but I wasn't scared. I've meet him in my dreams.

"You couldn't have stopped the thing. I only know two people that can stop it." he drops his head. "If I were to send them to you or send you to them would you help us?"

"What do you mean? That my mom couldn't do this but they can?" I look at him through the dark.

"It's not like that. It might kill them, too. But you have to help them." we look eyes. I nod my head softly.

"Yeah I get it. I do them a favor by helping and they tracked down the bitch that killed my mom. Sounds leget." I break eye contact. A couple tears run down my cheek. I've never thought this could happen. I turn away, sheilding myself from him.

"I never asked your name" he tells me.

"Well you're the Angel. You tell me."

With a wings flap, he was gone. Like he was never there in the first place.

A voice rings in my ear "Oh by the way, stay put. They are on the way" and like that, his voice was gone. His voice no longer there.

Three days later, I get a knock on the door. I was still in my towel from my shower, my hair was dripping with cold water. The blue chipped paint bugged the hell out of me. Cheapest motel I could find. I pull the pistel off the side table, clicking it to the back of the door. I pull it open slowly.

"Sorry, is this a bad time?" two guys stood in front of me. One with long hair, the other a couple inches shorter with short hair.

"Umm. Not really. Are you the guys a magic Angel told me to wait here for?" I ask, setting down the pistil back on the table.

"Depends are you what we think you might be?" the shorter one ask.

"Test?" I ask, "Well come on umm, we'll share some blood." they step in looking around. I pick up the silver blade and toss it to them blade towards me. "Let me go get dressed." I pull close the door that didn't shut all the way. I dropped the towel and picked up some underwear and a bra. They were sitting on the heater and were warm to the touch. I pull on a Batman shirt and a pair of light blue jeans. I pull my hair up into a wet ponytail.

They both hand me Holy water. I take along sip. Taking their knife and pulling up my sleeve, I make a small red line across my arm.

"Your turn." I give them the knife and Holy water back. They both drew blood and took a swig of Holy water.

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